Thanks for checking out my Profits Passport Review.

I’m glad you found this article because I’m going to break it down for you and give you the pros and cons from a perspective that most won’t share.

Whether you’re looking to join or you’re just needing help with advertising your business I’m gonna give it to you straight.

So let’s not waste anymore time, onward!

Profits Passport Review

Profits Passport Review – The System


Profits Passport is a new marketing system that allows you to earn multiple streams of income from ONE opportunity.

Let me clarify:

There are (6) different income streams inside of the Profits Passport system (as of today). You could either promote all of them separately, or you could use the PP system to promote them simultaneously.

Hopefully that makes sense.

David Dekel is the creator of the Profits Passport system. The cool thing about David starting this new Profits Passport program is that he already has a track record of creating successful marketing systems.

His previous marketing system “Funnel X” was a big hit online.

Profits Passport Reviews – How It Works

The Profits Passport system is very simple to follow.

Your only goal is to drive new eyeballs to the system. Period.

You drive traffic to your website, they opt in (enter their email), and then they watch the 1-hour webinar.

The webinar is done by the creator, David Dekel. He does all of the “selling and telling” about the system – and the benefits of getting involved.

So again, your main focus is to simply focus on getting people to your website. If you need help I wrote an entire article on how to get leads for your home based business.

The above article will give you a great starting point on how to get traffic to your website.

If you can get enough people to look at what you have you can make sales in any opportunity. Just focus on getting good at inviting people to take a look.

What Are The Income Streams Inside of Profits Passport

Now let’s talk about how the money is made.

As previously mentioned, there are (6) separate income opportunities inside of the marketing system.

Before we go any further it’s important for me to clarify that Profits Passport is (NOT) the opportunity.

The income opportunities that people are joining are the income streams that are (INSIDE) of the Profits Passport marketing system.

The entire purpose of this marketing system is for someone (NOT YOU) to explain the income opportunities so thoroughly that people are ready to join without having to call YOU and ask a bunch of questions etc.

This is why David Dekel says that he does all of the work for you.

You just have to advertise and drive people to the marketing system.

The (6) Income Streams

  1. Easy1Up
  2. Funnel X Advance
  3. ROI Panel
  4. Udimi
  5. OPM Wealth
  6. Ringless ALN

A Quick Breakdown of The Income Streams

The majority of the money you’ll make promoting the Profits Passport system is going to come from Easy1Up and from OPM Wealth.

I’m not going to break down the compensation for each individual opportunity in this article but I will tell you this…

Easy1Up starts at $25, then there is a $100, $250, $500, $1000, and $2000 level.

The Funnel X Advance system will pay you for generating leads and it also has additional upsells.

Both ROI Panel and Udimi are both simple affiliate programs.

ROI Panel is a link tracking tool. Udimi is a traffic vendor where you can purchase guaranteed clicks to your website.

Whenever someone uses either of these tools you’ll earn a commission.

OPM Wealth is a high ticket business that pays in Bitcoin. The large majority of people who join OPM Wealth are going to need financing to get involved at the higher levels.

Ringless ALN is a ringless voicemail platform that you can use to market your business(es). I’m just now hearing about this tool so I don’t know a lot about it, yet.

The Pros and Cons of the Profits Passport System

Over the years this is how I’ve learned to differentiate myself from a lot of my competitors – by telling the truth!

This Profits Passport Review was written to generating free traffic from the search engines, create leads, and generate sales – obviously.

But it’s also here to serve as a an educational tool for those of you considering getting involved. Which is why I like to share the pros and cons of the different opportunities I review.

The Cons of Profits Passport

  1. Many marketers will try to coerce you into buying ALL of the products – even if you can’t afford to.
  2. Not all of the programs associated with the Profits Passport system will necessarily make sense to you.
  3. Many will forget that they are still responsible for advertising their business. Dave Dekel does “most” of the work, yes. But you’ll still have to advertise your business!
  4. The lifespan of most “hot” online marketing systems is somewhere between 18 – 24 months before it starts to fizzle – so you need to get in and take massive action as soon as possible.

The Pros of Profits Passport

  1. You have the ability to earn A LOT of money from a relatively small marketing budget (which is why it’s recommended to go ALL-IN or at least go big).
  2. You get to piggyback off of the credibility and expertise of an expert marketer.
  3. The system does all of the explaining and selling for you.
  4. Promote multiple streams of income inside of one opportunity – this saves you a ton on advertising costs (and time).
  5. The system is HIGH CONVERTING so simply sharing the social proof of others getting results can also help YOU.

Probably The Most Important Piece of Advice Before You Join!

One of the most important pieces of advice I could ever share with you prior to getting involved in Profits Passport or any other online biz opp is this…


What do I mean by that exactly?

That means that you will have to gain some experience as an online marketer to determine what “REALLY” works.

In the online marketing/biz opp niche a lot of marketers are so hungry for commissions that they will recommend you use specific services (through their affiliate links of course) that have not necessarily been proven.

In many cases they may have never even tried a particular traffic source, but they will certainly tell YOU to use it – because when you use their affiliate link they will earn a commission.

Many times newbie marketers are so desperate to begin making money that they take these recommendations at face value and wind up going broke in the process.

Does this mean that the sources your sponsor recommends aren’t going to be good? No.

But it does mean that it’s up to you to do your research and not keep on filling your sponsors pockets with affiliate commissions while the traffic you spend your money on is not converting into leads and sales.

All sponsors are (NOT) created equal!

This is why I recommend these guys to start.

When you’re dealing with a marketplace like this, there’s more than one lead vendor available, and you can experiment with different vendors rather than dumping all of your money onto one source – which may not even be a good traffic broker.

Final Thoughts

I did my best here to explain some of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to not only Profits Passport but marketing biz opps online in general.

David Dekel has put together something really special with the Profits Passport system, and it without a doubt is converting well for many of the members inside of our private Facebook group.

I definitely recommend it to anyone who is willing to COMMIT to growing an online business.

The most important thing I’d like to convey is that you have to be consistent to get results.

Another great way to get results is to use a screen-sharing tool and record your journey.

This could be any new leads you get, your first sale, or even just showing people how the system looks.

You’ll also want to have a pre-determined marketing budget.

If you’re new to internet marketing be sure to check out my article teaching you 9 steps for online lead generation.

With all that’s going on in the world right now with covid-19 and whatever else may be lurking around the corner, right now is a better time than ever before to start an online business.

Thanks for checking out my Profits Passport Review. Click below to learn more!

Profits Passport Reviews

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