A large majority of my blog posts are written on a burst of inspiration or just a random thought that crosses my mind. In this particular post I was just thinking about the fact that nothing in live worth having comes easy.

Now trust me, I am in no way against going to college. I am someone who believes that knowledge which is properly applied is power, but only when it is properly applied!

Now the reason that I bring up the whole college thing in the first place is this…

I know tons of people who went to school to get their 2 and 4 year degrees. What shocks me most is that a large majority of them could not find a job in the very field that they paid tens of thousands of dollars to obtain their degree in. Or many of them were working with me at a restaurant slaving tables…. (I meant serving tables)

Well anyway, to me it felt like slaving…. To tell the truth, virtually every job that I’ve ever had felt like slave work. You see psychologically I was unemployable, I have the mindset of someone who writes their own checks, not someone who lets others dictate my worth…

I mean lets be serious… if you do your research you will easily find that sales is one of the highest paying professions in the world. However many of you already know that sales is also something that most people are afraid of. People don’t like to face rejection and for good reason. It can be hard when you get involved in a new business and the people you think are going to be supportive basically tell you that you need to find a ‘real job’, or that you’re in pyramid deal, or you’re gonna get ripped off…etc.

Well my friends, there’s a reason that salespeople make the kind of money that they do and the reason is that nobody else wants to do it, which goes back to the title of this blog post, “Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy…”

My advice for you is to understand and know that there is a much better way. If you have a regular job and you feel like you are appreciated in the utmost way then by all means feel free to leave this blog post right now.

However I know that a large majority of you right now feel underpaid and unappreciated on your jobs. You wish that you could win the lottery and all your problems would go away. Well my friend… the odds of winning the Mega Millions are 1 in 175,000,000 so that too goes back to the saying… “Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy…”

Now knowing that you are underpaid and unappreciated at the very place that is in complete control of your entire livelyhood, (YOUR JOB) should give you some incentive to start making plans to at least look for additional options.

If you would work half as hard on yourself as you do for your job, you would be amazed at what you could accomplish. With that being said, I have added a video of one of my favorite motivation speakers of all time… R.I.P Jim Rohn!

P.S. If you want to watch part 2 and 3 of this video you should be able to find it in the related videos that show at the end of the video.

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