Life can be funny sometimes…

When I think back on my own life, it seems that times of trial & tribulation have turned out to be some of the greatest turning points in my life.

Example 1:

Back in 2012, I was drinking with some friends and got into an altercation. I can’t remember what it was about anymore, but I remember that it caused me to stop drinking.

Benefit: No more blackouts, altercations, or DUI’s

Example 2:

In 2004 I got pulled over by the Ohio State Highway Patrol with a bunch of marijuana in the trunk. I didn’t go to prison, but I was locked up for 9 months. In an attempt to keep my mind occupied, I become a voracious reader.

Benefit: Became a student of personal development/self-help, a law-abiding citizen, and earned tens of thousands of dollars from home based business. 

Example 3:

Earlier this year I split up with my ex after nearly 12 years. We had 2 children together and after the break up I found myself homeless and having to resort to living with my mother momentarily.

I went into a severe depression after losing custody of my kids. Technically I didn’t lose custody, but they went to live with their mom because I didn’t have anywhere to go.

Benefit: I found a new job that pays over $20 an hour, I lost 30 pounds in less than 2 months, got a brand new car that matches the current year for the first time in my life, and am in the process of getting a new home. 

Moral To The Story…

In life we have only 2 choices.

  1. Let situations make us
  2. Let situations break us

Sometimes it requires us to reach rock bottom in order to realize that we need to make some changes in our lives.

Once you hit an all time low, you can either sit and whine and cry about it – or you can make the best of a bad situation.

Choose wisely!


Much Love

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