I worked at the same job that I hated for 6 years and 11 months. For the last 2 or 3 years I used to complain almost everyday. Sometimes people would say, “why don’t you just quit then?”

People used to secretly hate on my ambition and say stuff like “hows your ‘little’ internet business going?”

I would smile or laugh but inside it used to eat me up because I wasn’t seeing the results I needed to work from home full time.

Funny how the tables turn…

Even in school I HATED authority for whatever reason. I was always intelligent, but I had no interest in what I was learning in school (outside of math, English, and science). Even back then I knew that it was setting me up to be somebody’s slave… aka “employee”.

That’s the funny thing is that they really don’t teach you how to become wealthy in school. That’s something that for the most part you have to go out and learn on your own.

You can get a major head start by using this:

Billionaire J.Paul Getty once said, “I’d rather have 1% of 100 men’s efforts, than 100% of my own.”

I agree…

There’s no shortage of money in the world. There’s just a shortage of people willing to go after it.

If you want to get your share you have to be willing to step out on faith, and do what you’ve never done. But even more importantly, you have to BELIEVE that you can make it happen.

And you can!

Come and work with me and I’ll coach you on how to make at least $20k before the end of 2014

Click here for more details <==

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