Hey Facebook friends, internet buddies, and nosy people who just wanna see what I’m up to! I stumbled across this video tonight before I was about to lay down and thought that I would share this concept with you before I did. You know it’s sad but true that most people in life give up right at the 1 yard line.
You may have dreams and goals and they are right within your grasp. Unfortunately, most people never get to see their own dreams and goals because they don’t realize that they could possibly be as close as they really are. I don’t want to ramble on so I want you to go ahead and watch the video below right now. It could be just what you’ve been waiting for to give you that extra motivation to keep moving toward whatever it is that you desire for your life.
If you found any value out of this please comment below, re-tweet on Twitter, and/or share it on your Facebook page with the buttons at the top of this post!
The Secret To Accomplishing Your Goals Is Never Giving Up… You Also Have To Have The Right Vehicle To Get You There.
1 Response to "You’re Only One Millimeter Away From What You Want In Life!"
Aloha Randell, I enjoyed your post and the video clip with Tony Robbin’s. I love his values in what he has to share with most and how we can obtain his information and make a transformation for ourselves. thanks for sharing! Lanikee.com
Ps..come by and share a sweet comment. The benefits are sharing is caring. Mahalo!