There are a bunch of good reasons to join MLM but the most obvious one would have to be the money. What other industry in the world can an average person with little to no “formal” education get involved and in the next 3 to 5 years be earning 6 or even 7 figures per year? NONE
Another benefit to join MLM and have your own business working from home is that you don’t have a boss and you get to set your own schedule. One of the downsides to this is that you don’t have a boss and you get to set your own schedule!
The Opportunity To Help Others…
The opportunity to help others is another feature to the MLM business. In a typical job setting, after you have trained your new people they ultimately become your competition. Therefore, many times in traditional business the people above you will not share everything that they know in fear of you someday using that information and possibly replacing them in their job.
Contrary to the traditional business model, when you join mlm you are actually rewarded for teaching your team members to be successful. In this business, if you don’t help your team get paid then you are not likely to make much money yourself. Which is why it is imperative that you teach your new people everything you know so that they can duplicate your efforts.
In multilevel marketing the more people that you teach to be successful the more money you will make…period.
Tax Write-Offs and Travel
The average worker bee in America has absolutely no clue when it comes to the tax write-offs that they miss out on each year simply because they don’t own a home-based business. Any travel expenses that you acquire while doing business are tax deductible, any miles you put on your vehicle, and even paying for lunch while discussing business is deductible. (I am not a tax professional so be sure to check with an accountant or the IRS)
There’s a book about it called “Home Business Tax Savings Made Easy” that you should really purchase if you are in any sort of home based business (that includes Ebay).
True Financial Stability
When you work hard in this business you develop true financial stability. That is one of the best things about earning a leveraged income and getting paid off the efforts of other people. (Sounds kinda like your boss huh?) Anyhow, I know a guy named Patrick who is a top leader in a network marketing company.
Patrick built his business hard right out of the gate and had a lot of success. However life always strikes at the most unknown times. Patrick’s father fell ill and during this time Patrick took 6 months off from his MLM Business to spend to with his father. Unfortunately, his father wound up passing away.
Now in most cases the average person would not only be devastated by the loss of their family member, but they’d also be in some serious financial trouble after 6 months of not working. Well when you join MLM, if you do it the right way – your business will grow without you like Patrick’s did.
Not only did Patrick still have a rock solid income coming in for those 6 months, but his income actually INCREASED! Talk about the power of leverage.
Wise Words From A Billionaire
J.Paul Getty
J.Paul Getty was one of the first men ever documented as having in excess of 1 billion dollars. In the business world – especially in MLM – J.Paul Getty is most famous for his quote, “I’d rather have 1% effort of 100 men than to use 100% of my own“.
For the man or woman who can really put their hands around what he said there, that is a true wealth principle that most people will never understand.
If you have 100 people putting forth a measly 1% effort even though the men or women may be lazy or unmotivated (I mean 1%…seriously?) they are still contributing the same – if not more – effort than you’d be able to contribute if you chose to do this all on your own.
Therefore, if you find an MLM company that you can believe in, has good leadership running the company, and also has products that you would use even if you were not in the business – it sounds like you have a winner! From this point all you need to do is get to work!
How to Find Success In MLM
What it will require on your part if you choose to join MLM and make the decision that you are gonna go all the way is #1. A burning desire to succeed. You must first know and believe that it’s possible. If someone else has done it then you too can do it – IF – you BELIEVE.
You must also know WHY you have chosen to do this business. It has to be about more than the money. For example, if you want to earn a million dollars in the next 5 years – WHY DO YOU WANT THE MONEY? What would you do with the money? Would you travel? Pay off your kids college education? Go on trips and donate to the needy? You have to get to the core of WHY you are doing this business.
Contrary to belief, having a good sponsor is a valid argument in being successful but not a requirement. There’s a gentleman in my primary business who I spoke to on the phone one day. He’s a top leader in the company and is said to earn well in excess of 5 figures per month. He told me that he did not have an upline (a sponsor or support team – the person who brings you into the business) at all.
In our conversation he mentioned that the guy who brought him into the business quit 2 days later. The nearest upline support was over 3 hours away so he was forced to build his business on his own. In this business and life in general, you have to be willing to say – “If it’s gonna be it’s up to me!” Remember that always
(By the way, if the guy who sponsored Cody had not quit he would now have thousands of reps in his organization and would be overriding all of them making a decent residual income. BUT… he quit! Word to the wise… never quit!
The Most Important Thing
In our company we call it staying in “Phase 1”. When you finally join MLM and find the business for you, you want to always be doing income generating activities. The number one thing that you want to be doing is prospecting and enrolling and getting new customers. Any thing other than that is pretty much a bunch of busy work.
In this industry a lot of people still teach old school methods of writing out a list of friends and family as well as talking to everyone that comes within 3 feet of you. Now I’m not telling you not to do those things because they work. What most people are not telling you is that it requires a skill set to do these things effectively. It’s not as much what you say as it is how you say it.
One thing that has helped me out a lot, especially on the telephone – is Todd Falcone’s Little Black Book of Scripts. It will teach you how to talk to people on the phone (particularly cold market) and to have posture and control the conversation.
All it takes to win in this business is belief in the company, belief in yourself, and SKILLS. I hope I communicated that effectively for you!