Hey Friends,
If you read my blog regularly I’m sure you’re wondering where I’ve been for the last 6 months or so. In one word the only thing that I can use to explain my absence is – stressed.
I’ve been going through a lot of challenges lately and just have not really had the discipline to write on my blog. Well anyway, today I have something that I wanted to talk to you all about.
The Motivational Power of Love
Today I went to a Chinese Restaurant to get a quick bite to eat. Sometimes I like to go out to eat alone. I’m the type of person I like to do a lot of things alone sometimes that other people might find weird. I have even gone to the movies alone before…lol. I know that sounds weird, but there is something almost therapeutic about spending time alone, free to let your mind roam.
Well back to the story, today while I was in the Chinese restaurant there weren’t many people in there. There was just me, a group of about 8 Mexican guys, and the Chinese people who all worked in the restaurant.
While I was sitting there enjoying one of my favorites in Chinese restaurants (chicken on a stick) I was just people watching and absorbing what was going on around me. At some point I began to ponder on the fact that to me it really seems as if all ethnic groups other than my own, (African Americans) really seem to stick together a lot more.
I looked at the group of Mexican guys on their way out to leave and I just noticed how all of them seemed to share some type of comradery between each other. I don’t mean like a street gang either, more so like a type of brotherhood that they all shared. I could just sense that those 8 men would go all out for each other. I’m not sure if they were family or not, but I could clearly sense they’re devotion and commitment to each other.
After this I turned my attention to the employees of the restaurant. I noticed while they were working that they had two young children in the restaurant with them. There was a young girl who seemed to be about maybe 4 years old, and there was a young boy who seemed to be around about 6 maybe.
Anyhow, I could clearly see that on a slow business day that these two young children were the ‘entertainment’ for the two female waiters who were taking care of things in the restaurant. Several times an adult male who looked to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s came out of the kitchen with desserts for the young kids and I could see the jubilation on their faces when he would come out and share his ‘treats’.
What really caught my attention though, was the way that they all seemed to really be happy to be doing what they were doing. Everyone seemed as if they were very happy to be working all together as a family. One of the waitresses kept taking time out to go and tickle the little boy and while he laughed hysterically I could not help but smile as it reminded me of the joy that I get when I tickle my own children and see them laughing.
From that point, I thought about the satisfaction that must come from being independent and owning your own business. Not only owning your business, but operating that business with the people that you love and trust more than anyone else in the world… your family.
I tell you, it was truly powerful to see the love that flowed through the restaurant as the family all had the opportunity to not only make their living, but spend time as a family at the same time. Something that the average family in America is not able to do.
With all of that said, I truly believe that the power of love can motivate you to do incredible things with your life. Not only the love for family, but the love for your profession, or the love for your favorite hobbies or past-times, whatever the case may be. There really is no emotion that even comes close to the powerful emotion of love, and the things that we will risk as a result of that love.
So the next time that you have something that you want to do but you refuse to do it out of fear… You can easily overcome that fear by replacing the fear with the emotion of love. Do it for those you love.
P.S. If you’ve ever thought about having the opportunity to run your own business, spend more time with your family, and write your own paychecks, then click the link to learn how to get paid for helping other people.

Rhandell Mitchell