Tonight I was on a webinar about how to make a bunch of money online and the guest speaker for this particular webinar was none other than Mark Hoverson!
Now if you don’t know much about Mark Hoverson – but you want to learn how to make 8 figure income all from the internet – go here right now!
So anyways, I was on the call and Mark was talking about how simple it is for anyone online to create their own “Caffeine Product” which is simply just an information product that you sell from $50-500$ online that teaches other people what you know.
Now I know that right now the whole “Caffeine Product” idea is probably not making too much sense to you and that’s okay. You just need to follow with me as we move forward because I’m going to discuss a concept that Mark Hoverson discussed on the webinar that made a LOT of sense to me.
The Law of The Umbrella
So on the call Mark discussed a principle that he called ‘the law of the umbrella’. I was actually captivated by the simplicity of what he was saying, while at the same time thinking about how very true it was as well.
Simply put, the law of the umbrella is that once a person develops a certain level of expertise, experience, or wisdom in something – whether it be internet marketing, how to lift weights and grow your muscles fast, or how to make a stupidly ridiculous amount of money online – that person now has knowledge, wisdom, and expertise that they can use to service and empower everyone else who is under their umbrella – or not on the same level.
Now going back to creating “Caffeine Products” for a moment. Mark said on the call that a person who has had very little success and made little to no money online could actually create their own product and sell it for $197 or more!
To most that would seem unrealistic, but to some – that makes all the sense in the world. The catch is… you just have to know how to do it. He mentioned that if a person had done as much as generated just 5 leads online in a week, that this person could sell a $197 information product on how to generate leads.
When I First Got Started Online…
This is a very funny story actually, but true indeed. Prior to ever hearing of any of the ‘gurus’ who you hear about on the internet today. I was online trying to learn how to make money in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. I purchased thousands and probably more like tens of thousands of dollars worth of E-Books and courses that I really couldn’t figure out.
My first experience with Pay-Per-Click I actually made my first sale within 10 minutes of posting my ad on Google AdWords. So I logged in to Clickbank and saw that I had earned a $39 commission on the sale that I had just made and I was jacked up! Next, I logged in to Google AdWords to find out I had been charged $75 for the 4 or 5 clicks that had led up to that sale.
So in essence, I paid $15 per click to my ad that made the $39 commission. But after 5 clicks, I owed Google $75 – so I was actually in debt for $36 from my first sale I ever made. I never tried PPC again for years.
The point that I want to make is that I was hungry, and I was also determined to figure this internet thing out. I started selling things on Ebay for a while and was making good money. Until my dropshipper stopped shipping things out on time that is. Then one day I had an ingenius idea. I was going to sell my own “Caffeine Product” on Ebay for $75 dollars.
The funny thing though, is that back then I had never even heard of a “Caffeine Product”, I just did what I thought would make me some money. It literally took me every bit of 45 minutes to write this e-book. (THAT WAS STILL IN A WORD DOCUMENT WHEN I SOLD IT!) And I placed it on Ebay (deliberately in the wrong category for more traffic) and I actually sold two of them in a few days before Ebay found my product was not relevant to the category and pulled it down.
But the key here is this – I HAD FOLLOWED THE LAW OF THE UMBRELLA AND DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT! I had the intuition to know that there were hundreds of thousands and even millions of people out there who were willing to pay for what I already knew! So the moral to this story is that if you have ANYTHING that you know how to do, that you think other people would be willing to pay to learn. Then you can create your own “Caffeine Product” and make anywhere from $197 to $497 or more each time you sell one.
In Closing
We all have talents and strengths that we could use to service others. If you have a talent or a strength that someone else does not possess then they are undoubtedly under your umbrella. As an entrepreneur, we have to take advantage of the opportunities to make money by servicing others. And there is no better way to do it than by selling information.
You can literally write an E-Book about something you know how to do for 100% free. And if there is value inside you could potentially make a fortune for a product that had absolutely no overhead!
My friends, I want you to know that the potential on the internet to make money is limited only by your imagination. Find someone online who has what you want, and do what they do. Study successful people and you have an incredible chance of becoming successful in your own life!

Rhandell Mitchell