It’s the best program ever!

Nothing out there is better!

We have the best team!

Blah, Blah, Blah…


These are all things you hear online. Whether it be in your inbox or on your social media wall, somebody out there is swearing before the good lord himself that they have the best program.

All the while they’re in 4 different programs and saying the same thing about every one.

Now I understand marketing, and I also understand the reasons why some people like to use hype.

But what happened to integrity?

What happened to keepin’ it real?

Because at the end of the day, it’s nothing to dupe some newbie into spending their hard earned cash to get into your program, but what happens when they find out you were dishonest?

What happens when they see you promoting one of your other programs as the best business opportunity on the planet?


People Are NOT Dumb…


So why am I even bringing this up?

It’s because people need to know the truth.

A lot of people believe anything they hear, just because of WHO is saying it.

I’m just keepin’ it all the way real with you when I tell you this. But some people will say and do anything to get your money!

Then once they have the cash in hand…


Been there, done that…


Why Am I Mentioning This…


I felt like I had to write this after an email I got today from a pretty notable marketer.

Inside the email he made mention to the fact that “XYZ  Company” is the best program there is. But my logic makes me question how something can be the best when a program has MULTIPLE sections that say “coming soon” for over 18 months straight?

Not to mention the fact that the comp plan and the products changed, but the webinar was still promoting some old shit that wasn’t even relevant any longer.

Like seriously… who does that? Your webinar is promoting products that you don’t even have in the program?
C’mon bro!


Sometimes This Industry Pisses Me Off…


Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of ethical people out there to do business with online. But there’s also a lot of “other guys” who are willing to sell you and tell you anything to get in your wallet.

Some things can only be learned from experience.

Over the last 10+ years or so I’ve gained PLENTY of it. And I’ve seen what people are capable of doing to those they believe are unsuspecting. Don’t even let me get started on co-ops!

I guess at the end of the day it just makes me a little angry that people will knowingly tell the public that a company that THEY KNOW is really garbage is the best thing out.


It’s crazy… Lately I’ve just been on a crusade to alleviate as much of the BS as I can. In all facets of life.
Hopefully you can feel my frustration.

Dishonesty and business is definitely NOT a good mix.

If you’re looking for something solid to work on with a proven track record of success shoot me an email at and I’ll send you some info.

Otherwise, I hope you at least now have been forewarned before you go and join your next program.


And if you’re one of the people out there tricking innocent people into garbage programs just so you can get paid, shame on you. There’s a million programs out there to promote. Don’t go and join a garbage program if you can promote something that has credibility.

That’s all for now. If you want to contact me and learn what I’m working on shoot me an email here at – or you can just click on the link below.

Rhandell Mitchell – The How To King

Millionaire Marketing Machine




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