I’d like to give everyone a ’safe space’ to promote themselves and share what they do with the community… Introduce yourself and let us know what you’re passionate about! Spamming rules don’t apply here…
I’d like to give everyone a ’safe space’ to promote themselves and share what they do with the community… Introduce yourself and let us know what you’re passionate about! Spamming rules don’t apply here…
3 replies to "Tell Everyone Your Story… What Do You Do Online? (Or Offline)"
This is a good idea to have this place for people to tell about what they do. I did not get online until 2005. Before that I read a great deal of books on self improvement or self development. I also promoted a network marketing company. So I took all this stuff that I learned and put it on my website, http://www.phifoundation.org
It has a page on fasting, pure water, best foods for cardiovascular health, how to avoid colds and flus, losing weight and pages on healing different problems. I have a page with advice for teen girls and I just added this short video to it that is inspirational to everyone. It is called No Arms, No Legs, No problems. A guy goes around giving lectures and he has no arms or legs. It shows him fishing, diving and playing soccer with no arms or legs. http://bit.ly/nick-4
.-= [Rhandell]´s last [blog] .. =-.
Yes I’ve been online since 96 or 97. However I did not get interested in making money online until maybe sometime around 2002-2003. In the beginning I lost thousands of dollars trying to find ‘the next best thing.’ I soon learned that in order to make money online you have to know what you’re doing. After all this time I still consider myself a novice. Although I have finally figured out the formula for being successful online. I got involved in my first MLM company back in 2002 and this is when I was first really introduced to personal development. Sometimes when I sit and think about it I believe that Network Marketing is the best thing that every happened to me.
My blog (www.thechilddevelopmentportal.com) is dedicated to child development. This blog is a resource for parents and teachers. It contains information pertaining to child development, parenting and resources for teachers.
Thanks to your blog, I am able to increase my knowledge when it comes to internet marketing. I understand that building a foundation within internet marketing will allow me to reach masses with my content. Thank you for your help!