In this article we’re going to discuss how you can find MLM success on the internet. We’ll be covering 7 tips that will almost definitely lead to you having a profitable MLM business.
7 Tips To A Profitable MLM Business
1. What is the most desired result you want from your marketing?
Many people never ask themselves this question at all. They simply know that they want to recruit new people into their business, or maybe they want to generate leads on their splash pages. But what is your most desired result that you are actually seeking?
So what action do you want people to take when they come across your message? Do you want them to call you, buy your product, or try your free report?
2 What benefits will buyers of your product or opportunity experience which set you apart from your competition?
Why should someone who comes across your message buy from you? Why would someone want to join your opportunity with YOU instead of with someone else who may offer the same product or service?
What people always want to know more than anything else is “What’s In It For Me”, does your offer clearly state the benefit or promise of them doing business with you instead of someone else? What are they going to gain? You should be able to list every possible benefit that you can think of that will make you and your offer stand apart from all of your competitors. Trust me when I say that in Network Marketing you will have plenty of competiton. So be sure that you stand above the rest with your offer.
People want to know the benefits, not the features, so be sure that you know how to differentiate the two. A few benefits might be more free time with their family, getting out of a dead end job, or even winning all expenses paid trips. Just remember people are looking more for a solution to their problems than they are for positive solutions.
3. Who is your target market?
Who is your message trying to reach? If you are looking to reach everyone then you need to reevaluate your strategy. Even though anyone could use your product, service, or business opportunity doesn’t mean that they will. You should target people who are already looking for what you have.
Once you know specifically who is looking for what you have to offer, you can easily develop a marketing plan that will turn out much more profitable then simply targeting a broad based group of unmotivated and questionable prospects.
The audience that you are seeking is anyone who would find a solution to the problems or needs that they might have by getting involved with your opportunity, or using your products and services.
4. What strategies will you use to reach your target market?
When it comes to marketing, many people tend to be a jack of all trades, but master of none. It’s important here that you know what specific methods you plan to use to draw viewers to your message. If you are marketing online you could choose from a ton of different marketing mediums such as:
- Article Marketing
- Craigslist (Online Classifieds)
- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace)
- Pay-Per-Click
- Banner Ads
- Video Marketing (YouTube)
It really doesn’t matter which method that you choose as much as it does that you actually focus on one thing until you master the strategy well enough to get results. Before you try 10 different tactics to achieve your end result, doesn’t it just make sense to get really good at one first?
Also understand that it is still important to know all of your available options as far as marketing your opportunity. If you don’t know of all the methods available you could very well be ignoring the method that would work best for you personally. So just study the available methods and then get laser focused on becoming a master at 2 or 3 max.
5. What do you want to be known for? What is your niche?
What is it that you want to be recognized for most? Is it the fact that your company is the only one in the industry that does what they do? Is it that you provide the best prospecting tips for signing up new reps? Can your offer solve people’s problems faster or more efficiently than your competitors?
Your brand MUST be something that’s attractive to your market. Whatever you want to be known for you want to come across and project to the prospect that you know what you are doing. You want to project to them that you are an expert!
6. What is your identity?
What do you think of when you hear the name Wal-Mart? What about when you hear the name Microsoft or Apple? Now what do you think about when you hear the name BP or Enron? Do you see what I’m saying here? When you hear Wal-Mart most people think of a low cost store where they can get “rollbacks” and find literally anything they want. When you hear Microsoft you might think instantly about one of the world’s richest men in Bill Gates. Or when you think about apple you may think about the iPhone ,iPods, or top notch computers.
What do you want people to think about when they come across you? Your identity is vitally important to your success.
7. How much are you willing to invest in marketing?
What percentage of your profits are you going to put back into your marketing efforts? If you plan on growing fast, you should be looking to put at least %30 of your profits back into your marketing. Why would you spend money on marketing one time and get results and then put half of what you put in the first time and expect even greater results?
You have to be willing to reinvest your profits into your marketing budget in order to continue growing. How much is your budget to start out? If you have very little to no money in which you can use to market your opportunity then you had better get creative when coming up with low-cost and sometimes even free marketing methods.
If you follow these 7 tips inside your business you can surely find MLM success online and be running a profitable MLM business a lot sooner than you ever thought was possible.
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