After being involved in Network Marketing for a little while now, I have grown very fond of MLM Recruiting, MLM training about recruiting, and using systems that will help me to recruit more people on auto-pilot.
To many people they get so caught up in having the “perfect” thing to say to their potential partners that they get all nervous and start acting weird about it, instead of simply conveying the message to their prospects that I have something that you need and it can fix (fill in the problem here).
However, before we even think about offering our business as a solution to their needs and wants we have to first be sure that the people that we are talking to are even interested in whatever it is that we have to share. This is why when it comes to MLM recruiting that it is imperative that we first qualify our people to find out if they have a geniune interest in changing their lives.
Many times we get it confused and believe that since we want to change our own lives for the better that everyone we know and love will also want to do the same – NOT!
Most people really don’t want anything… They may sell you on getting you to believe that they actually want something, but the truth is – Your actions speak twice as loud as your words! If you say you want to look like Arnold in his prime, but you will not even pick up a weight you are in for a rude awakening when you come to find that you still don’t look like Arnold.
So if you want to truly start qualifying your prospects effectively you need to simply ask them a qualifying question that takes their temperature as to if they are serious or not…
Here’s an Awesome MLM Recruiting Tip to use
Instead of sounding the salesman alarm every time you try to pique someone’s interest why not try simplifying the situation a bit? Here’s what most people do:
Recruiter: “Hey Jim, I just got started in an amazing new business selling this incredible new weight loss product and I think you’d be awesome at it. What are you doing later this week on Thursday at 7:30?
Prospect Jim: “Ummm… I actually have to take little Johnny to his Nintendo Wii training course on Thursday. He’s trying out for the 72 hour non-stop video game playing marathon. Maybe I can make it some other time?”
From this point you’re dead in the water and you could have prevented this by keeping it simple. Here’s another example of what NOT to do:
Recruiter: “Hi Nancy, I couldn’t wait to call you. Have you ever heard of (place Network Marketing company here…)? Well we’re an international telecom company in 23 countries and we’re planning a global expansion soon. And Nancy look, I just met a guy who’s making 50 grand a month after only 2 weeks! You’ve got to check this out!!!”
Prospect Nancy: “Is this one of those pyramid things? I’m not interested, no thanks.”
If you’ll pay close attention you’ll notice that not one time did the person trying to get them into the business take the time to qualify them to see if they were looking.
3 words you need to remember if you want to become better at mlm recruiting are these…
Are you looking?
Here’s a list of different qualifying questions you could ask someone to see if they are even a candidate for your business.
- Are you looking to make some extra money?
- Are you looking for a way to pay off that school loan?
- Are you looking for a way to get your kids out of daycare?
- Are you looking to get some extra money for Christmas time?
- Are you looking for a way to have more free time?
You get my point? These are simple questions where you should basically get a yes or no answer. The key here, is that you already know that the answer to virtually any one of these questions is yes.
Now here’s where it gets tricky… A lot of the people you ask these questions to are going to answer you with a question in return. For example, if you ask Jim if he’s looking to make some extra money, his response is likely to sound like this. “Doing what?” At this point you have to have a posture and not fall into the questions and answers trap.
Whoever is asking all the questions wins…period. If he asks you doing what you need to be in a position of power. You may respond something like this, “Jim, this may not be for you…(take it away) but I just found out how to make some extra money on the side without changing what we’re currently doing. Are you looking or not?”
If he says yes – Sweet… take him to the next step
If he says no – Sweet… ask him to be your customer and/or for referrals
It’s important to remember that this business is all about the numbers and he or she who goes through the most numbers will inevitably enroll the most distributors in their organizations.
So next time you’re doing your “mlm recruiting” remember that you don’t have to have some kind of fancy script. All you need to know is are you looking?

Rhandell Mitchell
P.S. If you want to become a master recruiter like I think you do. I want to give you limited time access to this 71 minute training on MLM Recruiting for your favorite four letter word…FREE! (and for being a loyal reader)
2 replies to "MLM Recruiting – Are You Looking To Build Your Business Or Not???"
Hey Rhandell,
I wanted to tell you that your blog looks great and I really appreciated this article. Recruiting is obviously an important part of our industry and these tips you’ve laid out for us is nothing but value. Thanks man! Lets connect sometime soon.
Thanks Clint I appreciate brother. I’m glad that you got something out of it. Thanks for reading.