MLM Prospecting is probably the one thing that most people in network marketing fear the most. For that reason it is the one thing that anyone in MLM should be doing each day. Regardless of whether you have been networking for 2 days or 2 years, making that first call each day always seems to be the hardest one to make.
Just today I was looking back over my numbers (I use a tracking sheet when I make dials), while today I actually made 25 calls, only a few of them answered the phone. Out of the few who answered the phone only a couple actually committed to coming out for my “information night” (sounds better than home meeting) tomorrow evening.
Dealing with the rejection, deception, and emotional roller coaster of prospecting in MLM can at times be a tiresome task. Fear of failure is probably the number one reason why people refuse to make dials. My golden tip for you in regards to calling prospects for your MLM business to introduce them to your business would be this:
Make ONLY One Call A Day…
The reason for this is simple, if you just make one dial the next one is easier to make. If you decide that you don’t want to make anymore dials after the first one that’s your choice. The point here is that if you can commit to making just one call a day that’s the only agreement which you need to make with yourself.
In time you will recognize that the first call was not as hard as it seemed and that may just inspire you to make additional calls. Remember that network marketing is a people business, and if you aren’t talking to people then you aren’t in business and you aren’t making any money.

Internet Marketing & Business Builder