Okay everybody,
I know here lately I’ve been going ballistic with all of the personal development videos and such… but what you have to understand is that your mindset is the most critical element that will steer you in the direction you wanna go in life.
So look… if positive thinking, having a better mindset, and retiring young are not for you…. you’re more than likely in the wrong place! Maybe you should try clicking here! I know for some of you who read my blog posts frequently I’ve been coming across a bit aggressive lately. The reason for it is because I’m PISSED OFF.
I’m tired of hearing all the excuses that people make, I’m sick of watching people I love and care about who just don’t believe in themselves or that it’s even possible they can do, have, or be what they want. I’m sick of people who just settle for whatever they can get and never even try to get what they really want. I don’t know about you… but the last time I checked THIS WAS FUCKIN’ AMERICA!
Even in the midst of all this recession bullshit, there still is and always will be unlimited opportunities available for anybody who will get off of their lazy asses and go seize them! The only people who even qualify for a recession are the people who are broke! Do you think Michael Jordan or Warren Buffet give a shit that gas is 3 dollars? I don’t think so…. They say the average American watches like 30 hours of TV. That’s like having a second job!!! Who gives a fuck if American Idol is on…. your damn lights are about to get shut off!
So like I said, if you aren’t trying to be a better person, someone who can be a benefit to others, and someone who wants to live life on your own terms…. go click the big red x at the top right hand of this page and get the hell outta here!
Some people were put on this Earth to inspire, some were put here to teach, and some were put here to just tell it like it is when everybody else is afraid to! I’m not going to sit and watch the people that I care about have to struggle through life, especially my kids… Just because your friends aren’t worth shit doesn’t mean you have to be the same way too.
Break away from the pack… Get out there and get shit done and then see if they don’t follow! Start leading by example and people will follow you… plain and simple.
If you haven’t noticed by now I’m hungry… and I already ate 3 times today! It’s a hunger that never goes away, a hunger that is driven by knowing that anything is possible. A hunger that keeps me up until 4 in the morning and waking up at 8 the same morning.
I know deep down that you don’t want to just be average, inside you feel like you have a purpose but you just can’t see how you can accomplish your dreams and goals. Let me start by telling you that YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE! Trust me when I tell you that I know plenty dumb asses who are in a much better financial position than I am….(for now!)
I know I’m going to offend some of you by what I’m saying but I could not care less! Sometimes you need to get slapped in the face in order to pay attention. I hope this is that slap in the face for you! The video that I’ve put down below is one of my favorite videos of all time. If you don’t know who Les Brown is, or you’ve never read any of his books I would highly recommend them!
Les Brown came from a place that most of us can only imagine. From doing so bad in school where the teachers actually labeled him as retarded, to speaking in stadiums in front of thousands with no formal education. People I’m just telling you… life is short. So live it to the fullest!
I don’t care if you’ve seen this video 200 times… If you don’t watch the whole thing you’re stupid and smell like shit!
If You Got Something Out Of This Post Please Comment Below And Share It With Everybody You Care About!