With today being the first of August and all I figured that I would talk about the power of doing things right now. I was recently on a training call with my mentor and he mentioned that the longer it takes us to do something we know we should do, the harder it becomes for us to do it.
If you think for a moment about what I just said, I’m sure that you can think of something that you’ve been putting off for so long now that you aren’t even sure if you have the will power to do it anymore. (Sound familiar?)
The reason I know for certain that you have been through this particular situation is because you are a human being. And as far as I can remember the last time I checked I was one too. (insert smiley face here!)
Anyways, the majority of the time in life, the fear that we feel preventing us from taking the action we know we should take is the wrong kind of…. FEAR: False Expectations Appearing Real
Have you ever noticed that most of the bad stuff that you think is going to happen to you never does? Like when you get caught in a storm and you’re afraid that you are going to be struck by lightning. (Read Facing Your Fears) Or when you are driving on a dark road and you just have this weird feeling like a deer is going to run out into the road. These things, just like the things that prevent you from taking your life to the next level and living your dreams – probably will never happen.
Let’s say that you have a business opportunity that has the potential to change people’s lives, but you are afraid to talk to people because you aren’t sure what they are going to think or say. Who gives a shit!!!! If they wouldn’t cry at your funeral why should you give a damn? The only thing that you need to do is what you know is necessary in order for you to take your life from where it is currently to where you want it to be in the future.
In order for you to take your life to the next level you have to get off of the bullshit excuses of “I’ll do it later” or “I’ll do it tomorrow”. The people in life who really get things done do it NOW! Why put off to tomorrow what you can do today? That’s just stupid. If you really want something you have to go after it NOW,with a sense of urgency or the moment can and will pass you by.
I would like to apologize to anyone who I may have offended but sometimes you have to use extreme language to get people to truly listen. My goal is bigger than pissing off a couple people with profanity, I’m actually trying to get a message across! Besides, I’m not just writing this for you… I’m writing this for myself as well. You see, I had to force myself just to sit down and write the words you’re reading this very moment. The reason being – I DIDN’T FEEL LIKE IT!!!
Yet I did it anyway. If you want to be like some of the people you look up to in life, master the art of doing things when you don’t feel like doing them. If you can overcome the opportunity to put things off and make excuses you will breeze right by 95% of all your competition in whatever field you choose.
So my friend, my wish for you is that if you got anything out of this you will find at least 1 thing that you know you should be doing and do it right now! You’ll feel a lot better when you do.
P.S. I left a video for you here that reiterates everything I just said.
P.S.S. If you got something from this please share it on Facebook and Twitter and LIKE My Facebook Page!