Okay people…
These strategies are straight from the list builder 4.0 webinar that I just got done watching. This webinar lasted for 2 hours and 45 minutes and I stayed on faithfully until the end!
So obviously the information on the webinar must have been valuable in order for me to spend nearly 3 hours listening to it while the Lakers were busy destroying the Boston Celtics in game 6 of the NBA Finals…(Sorry Beantowners!)
Well anyway, I wanted to share with you all the top ten ways to generate traffic. So here they go:
1. Search Engine Traffic – This is obviously the most coveted way of driving traffic to your websites because it is absolutely free. Pretty much everybody online searches for what they want to find on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. So what if you could get to the top spot on all 3 of those search engines? What would that do for your business?
2. Article Marketing – This too is another free method of generating traffic online. Many people say that this is the oldest and still to this day the most effective means of driving targeted traffic to your website. Article marketing is one of my favorite strategies for driving visitors to my sites. However, if you are someone who does not like to write or do not have very good grammar you may want to (outsource) pay someone else to do this for you.
3. Video Marketing – According to many of the top marketers online, video marketing is one of the best ways to get traffic. Many people are afraid of being on camera which ultimately leaves video marketing wide open for anyone who is willing to make videos consistently and target their keywords in the title.
Search engines LOVE videos… One tip for you if you plan on getting into video marketing hardcore is to make sure that you ALWAYS watermark your videos. That simply means placing the title of your video at the bottom of your video so when other people steal your video you gain some free notoriety from the additional views you get to your video. YouTube is without question the place to be since it is the 3rd most visited site on the internet at the time of this writing.
4. Social Media Marketing – Is another way to get a loyal following of visitors coming to your site. As of today Facebook is the number 2 most visited site on the internet. So obviously YouTube and Facebook are two of the best places to go and find people to visit your site… (Click the following links to follow me on YouTube and Facebook)
Many people underestimate the power of Twitter, but it too is one of the top social media sites. Feel free to follow me on Twitter as well! Social Media is extremely popular and has been growing fast so this is something to keep in mind. Just don’t spam other people’s profiles whatever you do!
5. Viral Marketing – Viral Marketing uses the same concept as how a virus is spread… It’s basically a form of referral marketing at its best. One simple way to go about it is by simply asking people to pass on your information. An example of this would be the retweet button you see at the top of this post as well and the “sharing is sexy” area at the bottom of this post.
Another simple way to go viral is to create some type of free report that offers “exclusive giveaway rights” to everyone who gets it. Then you simple link back to your website from the report so now you will have even more traffic pointed your way!
6. Pay-Per-Click Marketing – Without a doubt PPC is the quickest way to drive traffic to your website. Although it’s important to understand that with pay-per-click you can easily lose your shirt overnight if you do not adhere to the rules and regulations of PPC Marketing. It is extremely easy to LOSE money with PPC, so it is best to have a nice sized budget and to also expect to wait 3 to 6 months before getting a return on your investment if any.
7. Ezines/Website Advertising – This is a method where you could easily pay someone who has already built a large subscriber base to send out a message to their list of subscribers on your behalf. You simply pay the list owner or list broker a fee and they will send your message out to thousands, tens of thousands, or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people who have subscribed to their newsletter.
Website advertising is pretty much the same. You simply find yourself a website owner who’s site is generating a significant amount of traffic and then you pay them for the placement of some sort of ad on their site. Many website owners would gladly accept your offer if the price is right. (Remember that if you do get an ad placed on another person’s website to always shoot to have your ad placed on the top of the website since that is where you will get the best conversions.)
8. Offline Marketing – In the eyes of an internet marketer this is probably the least effective method of driving traffic to your sites. However many of us forget that the internet is still actually very new and that prior to the internet offline marketing was all anyone had!
Direct mail, print advertising, radio, and TV are all methods of offline marketing. Placing ads in reputable newspapers and magazine are a little costly but have proven to be effective with the proper sales copy.
9. Joint Ventures – This is a powerful form of leveraged traffic. The most common JV is an ad swap/cross promotion. This is where 2 people agree to share information with each others contacts, a very simple way to help each other at the same time. This subject can be a little lengthy so if you’d like to learn more about joint ventures go over to Google and type in joint ventures.
10. Email Your List – The number one way to drive traffic, generate leads, and make more money is to email your list. Always remember the power is in the list and you should always be list building. If you don’t have a list, that’s what steps 1-9 were for. So if you want to get to the money in internet marketing get out there and start building your list. If you don’t know how… click here to start your own contact list.
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