Hey My Friends!
Talk about long time no see!
I’ve owned this blog for almost 15 years and this is the longest I’ve ever gone without creating any content.
Since my last blog post I’ve:
- Gotten a Real Estate license
- Gotten a Degree
- Gotten three IT Certifications
- Started a new job working in IT
- Separated with my Ex
- Gotten even cooler than I already was (which was ice cold!)
Now I’m not sure about the final bullet, but the others are all true.
During the course of the past three years I’ve learned a valuable lesson that I wish I’d embraced as a younger man.
Your Goals Don’t Care About How You Feel
I’m not here to coddle anybody.
Or pretend to be something I’m not.
And if what I’m about to say offends you, I don’t know what to tell you.
But, your goals don’t give a shit about how you feel.
I used to be the type of person who let my feelings dictate how I was going to live my life for that day.
If I felt a certain type of way I may call off work.
Not go to the gym.
Refuse to work on my business, etc.
What I realized while I was in school in particular is that you just have to get shit done.
Otherwise, you’ll just be another statistic.
Embrace The Aging Process
Another thing that I’ve learned over the past 17 months is that we’re going to get old whether we like it or not.
So you may as well embrace the process.
For example, my shoulder hurts like a MOFO nowadays.
I hurt it in my teens and now I’m almost knocking on 50’s door. It seems to get worse every year. But what can you do, right?
As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to take pride in allowing food and non-alcoholic drink to be the only thing that I put into my body.
I’m still fat…lol.
But I can lose weight.
You can’t reverse the effects of abusing your body with chemicals and shit that weren’t meant to go in there.
Be good to yourself.
What I’m Up To Now
So now that my long hiatus is over, I plan to start creating some new content here on my blog.
I’ll still be doing program reviews and sharing other ways of making money online.
But this time around I want to share more of my journey.
I may even include some of the stuff I’ve learned in Information Technology over the years.
In terms of the online ventures I’m still involved with, I try to keep something to suit everyone.
So I have a low ticket business and a high ticket business.
I also recently joined a health and wellness company and so far I’m really liking the products.
My next blog post will go in more detail about it.
In the meantime, if you want to get a sneak peek you can check it out here.
In Closing
I’m looking forward to reconnecting and getting back in the flow of creating content again.
Hopefully, if our paths do not cross you may stumble across something here that helps add value to your life. If even in the most trivial way.
So until next time.
God bless you!