How To Never Sponsor A Rep In Your MLM Business Again
Here recently I’ve had a lot of people contacting me on Facebook wanting to talk to me trying to get me to join MLM. The secret is, I am already involved in an MLM Business. The difference between myself and many other MLM business owners is that I don’t spam my links and beg people on Facebook to join.
Just this week I had somebody contact me from a well-known MLM company that sells coffee. When I told them that I was not a fan of product based MLM’s they decided that this would be the appropriate time for them to go ahead and start to bash my company?!?!
This totally threw me off guard, mostly due to the fact that they were still trying to recruit me and didn’t even take into consideration what they had just said, and that they were officially NEVER going to recruit me.
It’s been on my mind how stupid this is for about 4 days now so I just had to make a video in order to prevent you guys from peforming these same kinds of stupid acts while trying to prospect people for your business.
If you are serious about taking over in 2012 and going to the next level make sure you stick around until the end of the video for a special sneak peek into what I’m doing and how I will make 100k minimum in 2012!
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Rhandell Mitchell