Hey Folks,
It’s been quite some time since I’ve actually written on my blog. Hell it’s been a long time since I actually got anything done on my computer in general. I could use the excuse that I have school, I have two infants ages 1 and 2 years old, I have to go to work, or a bunch of other excuses but in the end if I used any of those it would just be bullshit.
Quite frankly, the reason that I’ve failed to get anything done lately is from a complete and total loss of focus. I know that I could make excuses but I feel like making excuses just takes away from what you really want to be doing and makes it even less likely that you’ll end up getting that thing done.
If you are reading this then I’m sure that many of you are already looking to make money online. If that’s you then I’d imagine that more than likely you are probably just getting started. Or maybe you’ve been at it for awhile but just can’t seem to figure out how to make it all come together.
Trust me when I tell you I know the feeling. I’ve been online for a long time and it took me years before I ever made any money. Even today I am still struggling to take it to the 5 figure a month level but I’m working on it. One of the things that I’ve started investing time in is learning how to make money offline. Before we go any further though, first let’s discuss…
How To Balance Your Personal Life From Business
Now I know we all have our priorities, whether those be work, children, church, exercise, etc. There are so many things that we have to get done but there are only so many hours in the day.
If you ever plan to find any type of success in whatever sort of business venture that you are in then it’s imperative that you develop a schedule to do your work and stick to that schedule religiously.
Another thing that you can do that will take some of the stress off of you is to start writing down what you want to get done for the next day on the night before.
Just writing down your goals in general is a phenomenal way of staying on track with whatever it is that you need to get done.
Make a Decision
No matter what you plan to do you have to decide that you are going to be successful. That’s literally all it takes is for us to make a decision that we are going to do what we tell ourselves we will do no matter what.
One of the most difficult obstacles to getting things accomplished is trying to get things done when you have young children. If you are fortunate enough to have a significant other living in the home with you then you have to have a talk with that person and let them know that you have scheduled an allotted amount of time each day to working on your goals, and that you are under no circumstances to be disturbed.
Sometimes that may be a little bit difficult to do, but you have to make a decision and determine how badly do you want to be successful.
There are literally tons of ways to make money online. In the near future I plan on starting a membership website that will discuss all of the multiple ways to make money online. If you want to be first in line when I release my new product just fill in the form below and you’ll be notified as soon as we go live.