Hey, thanks for checking out my blog post.
If you have bill collectors harassing you trust me, I feel your pain…
In this article I’m going to give you 5 ways to keep bill collectors off of your ass!
How To Keep Bill Collectors off of Your Ass!
1 – Die
While this may not be the ideal method to get bill collectors off of your ass, there’s no denying that it’s still highly efficient!
In all seriousness, I don’t want you to die. And I’m fairly certain that you probably aren’t too keen on dying anytime soon either – so let’s talk about a few less arduous ways to get the job done.
2 – Pay All Your Bills
I know what you’re thinking, “but Rhandell, (if) I had the money to pay my bills off I wouldn’t be in collections!”
I get it, I do…
But if you simply took a closer look at your spending habits I’m sure you’d find a few dollars here and there that could be allocated towards the reparation of your delinquent accounts.
However, I know in some instances you just DON’T have the money.
So what else can we do…?
3 – File a Cease & Desist Letter via Certified Mail
Now if you decide to go this route just understand that this is not “wiping the slate clean” on your bills.
Your bills won’t go away… BUT… by filing a cease and desist letter via certified mail at least you won’t have to deal with them calling your phone all day and night. ALSO… (after) you’ve filed the cease and desist, if they continue to call your phone they have committed a violation. Now YOU can pursue them!
In the event they violate and you get a little money out of the deal you can take some of your newfound wealth and begin paying them back with that!
4 – Find Yourself a Side Gig
We are literally living in the middle of the “Gig Economy.”
Never before in the history of mankind has there been so many ways for a person to earn extra income.
If you have a smartphone with an internet connection and a vehicle you could literally earn enough money to live on by simply participating in one (ore more) of the below:
- Uber
- Lyft
- UberEats
- DoorDash
- GrubHub
- Postmates
- Bite Squad
- Amazon Flex
This is just a sample of the ones that I’ve signed up for over the years.
Amazon Flex by far is the most lucrative if your city has it – and if they offer a decent number of blocks every week.
But any of them are better than having no money at all!
5 – Start a Home Based Business
It actually surprises me that we live in 2019 and so many people still look down on anything that isn’t a “real job.”
I guess that’s no different than the fact that racism still runs rampant in the world. But that’s another blog post for another day…
When it comes to starting a home based business it could be anything.
It could be something you put together yourself selling custom jewelry or other types of trinkets, it could be e-Commerce like learning how to sell products on Shopify, eBay, or Amazon, or it could be affiliate marketing which is simply selling other people’s products.
Or you could start a network marketing business.
Whichever you choose, the key is to remember always that just because you don’t have a “real job” that it’s still going to require WORK!
If you do choose Network Marketing I recommend that you find a company with a product or service that you actually believe in. If you focus (just) on the money you’ll find that it’s harder for you to transfer your belief onto what you’re doing.
My Recommendation!
Depending on your preference I have (2) recommendations for you.
The first is for anyone out there who needs to make money NOW.
If that’s the boat you currently find yourself in then you definitely need an instant pay program.
The program that I recommend pays upwards of $500+ instantly! Depending on how good you get at marketing you could do this everyday. Even 1 a week would help most families out tremendously.
If you’re more interested in making a living while making a difference then I have something even better in my opinion. (This is for the USA, Canada, and UK only).
Anyone who’s goal is to earn passive income then they’re gonna love this!
Click Here To Build a Passive Residual Income
Hopefully you learned a little something here today.
My wish for you is that you become 100% debt free and able to spend your money how you want to, instead of how you have to. Don’t hesitate to contact me at the number below if you have questions.