Welcome to my Exitus Elite Review!
If you’re reading this you’ve probably heard about the Exitus Elite business and want more information. Or maybe you’re already a member and are just looking for more clarity on what it is that you have?
Whichever reason, today you’ll learn the Pros and Cons of the business, and after that, you can make a more educated decision as to what it is you choose to do moving forward.
Let’s get started…

Exitus Elite Review – The Opportunity
Website: ExitusElite.com
Exitus Elite launched back in 2016 and was created by Paul Stevenson from the U.K.
He started the program with the intention of providing a professional online business that would enable anyone – regardless of skill level – the ability to build a successful online business.
From the very beginning, Exitus Elite showed itself to be levels above similar business opportunities – as far as quality and professionalism go. For me personally, these things are extremely important.
The level of detail that was put into Exitus Elite was (and still is) very impressive. This includes the Video Sales Letter (the video that explains the business), the Sales Pages, and the Capture Pages (the pages that collect your prospect’s information).
All of that was so high-level that I was immediately dazzled.
The Exitus Elite Back Office (your business center) was also unlike anything I had every seen at the time. I knew right away that Exitus Elite would be around for a long time.
Exitus Elite Reviews – What Is The Product?
The Exitus Elite Products are information and education products – also known as e-Learning products. So people also call them “info products.”
The majority of the products are focused on Internet Marketing. Why? Because these are the key skills required for you to get results with Affiliate Marketing. If nobody knows you have a business who will buy your products and services? That’s why it’s important you learn how to market effectively so that you can get the word out!
The Exitus Elite Genesis Library Explained
All of the products that come with the opportunity coincide with the compensation plan. We’ll come back to the compensation plan shortly.
First, I want to take a view minutes and clarify how to access the products.
There are five product packages within the Exitus Elite opportunity. Each of the five packages offer their own unique product lines. They are broken down as follows…
- The G100 Module
- The G250 Module
- The G500 Module
- The G1000 Module
- The G2000 Module
The Exitus Elite Compensation Plan
The Exitus Elite compensation plan pays 100% commissions. This is based on which particular product package that a new member decides to buy.
Now that you’ve seen the above video that showcases the product packages, let’s say for example that “Joe” wants to join the business.
Joe wants to maximize his earning potential so he decides to purchase the G2000 Module. In doing so, Joe has positioned himself to earn up to $2000 per sale, and he’s going to receive full access to the entire product suite.
Let’s say that “Sarah” enrolled Joe.
As soon as Joe refers his first member that sale, also known as his qualification sale, will be passed up to Sarah since she enrolled Joe.
So if Joe’s first sale was a $2000 sale then that sale will go to Sarah.
Now before you get discouraged, what just happened here is important because Joe just activated unlimited Pay Lines in his business. From this point on any sales that Joe creates are his to keep. The even more excited part about it is that every member is a “Pay Line” for Joe. Every one in your pay line owes you THEIR first sale just like you owed Sarah yours.
Here’s a video explanation of how that works. Depending on the time of you reading this the video may have been updated since we now have a $2,000 level.
Final Thoughts
Exitus Elite is the most professional internet business I’ve seen in over 16 years.
You have an owner that cares about the quality of his product, takes care of his members, and makes sure that aesthetically our website is always on the cutting-edge.
If you decide to join Exitus you are definitely in good hands.
Be sure to contact me or click the button below so we can discuss the bonuses that I offer for G500 and above!