Today I want to talk with you about why you may be failing in your online business.

I’m speaking specifically to those of you who promote business opportunities.

Haven’t you ever wondered why you’re just not getting signups in your business even when you’re doing everything they say you should do?

It’s probably because nobody know’s who the heck you are… 

Let’s talk about it!
how to get more sales

But Rhandell, I Don’t Like To Make Videos!

Hey I get it… you’re not a public speaker.

You just got a new pair of dentures and your mouth looks funny when you talk.

When you record video you get so nervous that you begin to stress sweat and then the sweat trickles down into your eyes and you can’t continue recording.

Whatever the excuse is that you keep telling yourself is really BS.

And I don’t mean it’s bullshit, I mean it’s your BELIEF SYSTEM.

You see, unfortunately, everything that we tend to tell ourselves about who we are, what we’re capable of, and how other people perceive us is usually true.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Our belief systems make it so.

If you’re that uptight about making videos then start off with Screen Share videos. You can get a free screenshare tool by going to or

Problem solved!

But Rhandell, I’m Just A Private Person

I get it…

You don’t want your entire life out there, being broadcasted all throughout the internet for the entire world to see.

But listen..

In THIS space… you MUST get yourself known.

I mean we are living in the age of Periscope, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Zoom Webinars, etc.

And you mean to tell me that you can’t even take a picture?

C’mon man!

You’ve gotta break free from your fears and doubts and try to remember that you aren’t just living in a skin suit walking around with no purpose.

You’re a spiritual being… placed on this Earth for a reason. And your words have power!

Stop saying what you can’t do and start affirming what you can!

If you don’t have this book buy it right now. This book changed my life!

But Rhandell, I Don’t Like To Write Emails

If you’re a true student of online marketing by now you should be building an email list.

When you market and don’t capture your prospects’ contact info you’re doing it all wrong. I mean what if they want to join but don’t have the money today?

If you didn’t capture their contact info you more than likely lost them for good.

Now whenever they’re ready to join they’ll just do a Google Search, or YouTube Search, and find somebody like me…. since they can’t remember who you are they’ll sign up with someone who’s more professional.

The big question is are you sending out emails consistently to your followers and even more importantly, are you incorporating pictures and video inside of your messages?

If not… nobody knows who you are! 

Just by adding a picture to the bottom of each email you send out you’re making yourself more easily recognized. Think a minute, how many people add a personal pic to the bottom of ALL the email you receive? My guess, not many…

I know you’re a private person, but drop a picture of you and your family inside every now and then. Show people that you’re a HUMAN BEING!

But Rhandell, I Don’t Like Talking On The Phone

If you’re getting leads and nobody’s joining your business maybe you need to start reaching out by phone.

This is especially true if you promote big ticket business opportunities.

These are programs that cost anywhere from $250 + to get started. Usually $1000 and up.

If you’re an advanced marketer you already know how to create your own landing pages.

When you create your contact forms be sure to add a phone field so you can collect not only email addresses but also phone numbers.

Now you have a method of reaching out and being proactive by contacting your leads directly instead of taking the indirect approach by only sending email.

If you’re not yet on the level of creating your own capture pages and sales funnels then another method you can use to get your business noticed is to start buying leads! 

Two of my top vetted locations to purchase opp seeker leads online are MLM Leads and also Lead Power.


The bottom line is this…

If this stuff was easy, everybody would do it.

Grant Cardone says to find the thing that nobody else wants to do – and do it.

Besides, when you get good at dialing leads you’re virtually building a business without any internet marketing at all.

Focus On Getting More Leads And Build A Tribe

If you’re struggling to get leads the easiest way to get them is with solo ads.

You simply pay a solo ad vendor to drive traffic to your website and they do all the rest.

This is the vendor that I recommend starting with.

Once you start getting leads coming in you want to put them into a Private Facebook Group.

You can click here to join my personal tribe.

After you put your Facebook Group together make it a point to ONLY add business partners, leads from your marketing campaigns, and anyone who needs help learning how to market.

That way when you post your content and training inside of your group you’re always sharing with people who are interested in what you do.

The more that you “give” to your prospects the more money you will make because they will feel like they owe it to you to join your team because of all the value that you share.

Make sense?

Another tip is to add your social networks in all of your email correspondence. Whenever you send out an email leave a link for them to subscribe to your YouTube channel, follow you on Facebook and Instagram, (and whatever else) etc.

This way you’re building your tribe through several different channels.

Final Thoughts

In recap, if you want to get people to know you and start hitting the leaderboards in your program(s) you’ll need to….

  • Work on your Mindset! Get this book and do exactly what it says. 
  • Start making Videos! Create an account with YouTube AND Vimeo.
  • Email Your List Daily! – Add a Photo to Each Email and Send them Videos too.
  • Start Using Facebook and Instagram Live – (Note to self)
  • Pick Up The Telephone! Whether you’re following up with leads or calling opportunity seekers, when you get good at dialing you can speed up the process with this. (Get a large batch of leads and this tool will make you six figures)
  • Create your own private Facebook Group and add all prospects, leads, and team members.

If you’re interested in learning more about how I utilize the internet to earn thousands of dollars per month click the banner below to learn more.

How to Get More Sales

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