For over 16 years now I have been marketing business opportunities online.
I’ve done a little bit of everything in terms of trying to get my message out to the world.
Video Marketing, Blogging, Article Marketing, Bulk SMS Marketing, Postcard Marketing, Ringless Voicemail, Bulk Email, Facebook Auto Posters, etc.
The one thing I’ve found is that if you’re only going to briefly dip your toe in and out of the water, you’ll probably never gain any real traction in your business by constantly switching up methods.
In this blog post, I want to share with you my own personal experience and give you my opinion on what I would have done differently in the beginning, had I known better.

The Grass is Never Greener…
One common misconception among human beings is that the grass must be greener on the other side.
However, my own philosophy is that most people just aren’t taking well enough care of their own lawn!
Here’s an example…
Joe Blow is in need of extra money. He decides to join XYZ company and is really excited by how “EASY” the advertisement said it’ll be to make $10,000 per month or more – doing little to nothing.
The problem is… once Joe Blow gets going he realizes that most of his friends and family that he’s speaking with are all saying NO to joining him in his opportunity. Of course, after (2) days of this … Joe decides that the business obviously doesn’t work, and has to be a scam.
The problem? Joe doesn’t know how to market.
This happens every. single. day.
Thousands of people. Probably millions… get mislead into opportunities under the premise that building a home-based business is “EASY.”
That all you need to do is write down a list of all your friends and family and expose them to your business and you will become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
Unfortunately that is not the case…
Once they realize that it’s not a lottery ticket (easy money) they decide to quit. Now it’s on to the next one. And in the process of finding another opportunity, they search for something that is easier to do… and begin the entire cycle all over again.
The Problem…
The real problem is not the opportunity in 99% of these cases. The actual problem is that most people are not willing to work on themselves in order to grow into the type of person they need to become to get results.
Very few people who join a home-based business join with the intention of sticking with it for more than a month or two if they haven’t gotten results.
Sadly, this is probably the greatest cause of failure in our niche because most simply lack the long-term vision, and the intention, to see things through until completion.
The majority have the mentality that they will “TRY” it for a few months to see if it works, and if it doesn’t they will quit.
The 3% who create fortunes online all have the mentality of someone who says to themselves, “I WILL… UNTIL!”
The Ant Philosophy
When an ant is out doing what it does, the concept of failure is non-existent. If an ant cannot find its way through something it attempts to go around. When it cannot make it around it will try to go over. If it can’t go over it will go under. So on and so forth…
Human beings however seem to have the mentality that if this doesn’t work I’ll just give up and try to find something that’s “easier.”
We’ve all been guilty of this…
However, at some point in our lives, we have to be willing to acknowledge the error of our ways, if we ever plan on rising to the next level.
Consider the Magnifying Glass
Remember in school what you learned about a magnifying glass? When we focused the magnifying glass on one specific location for a specific length of time it would begin to burn whatever it was fixated on.
The same concept holds true for any of the goals that we have for ourselves. If we could just simply remain focused on one thing until we got the result we were after.
Stopping and starting over again and again only leads to frustration. How could we ever develop the energy required to “start a fire” in our business, our health, or even our relationships with a scatter-brained focus?
We cannot. And we will not. Unless we REMAIN FOCUSED ON THE ONE THING.
In Conclusion
Take a moment and look back upon all the things that you’ve started and never finished. Now ask yourself, did I give my absolute best effort? More than likely the answer is NO.
More importantly, did you give yourself enough time to to learn and grow?
A lot of people know that the average brick and mortar business usually takes 5+ years in order just to turn a profit.
But for some reason people who start an online business expect that they should be earning a full-time income over the course of 30 to 60 days. It just doesn’t make sense.
Sometimes we just need to change our approach
Most people who fail in building a business online do so because of their fear of rejection.
If this is you, what you need is a platform that enables you to make money even when people say NO to your main business.
Don’t give up on your current company just yet… you may just need to change your approach.
Why not first learn a new strategy to bring people to you.
Stop chasing people and make them chase you instead!
This is the concept of Attraction Marketing. It changed everything for me online and I know that after you click the button below and learn this concept – it will do the same for you as well – as long as you apply what you learn and remain consistent!
Thanks for reading!