Today I really don’t have a whole lot to say. However, there is a bonehead mistake that I’ve seen tons of people make that can potentially cost you a lot of money and cause potential headaches in your MLM Business.
Now I’m sure that if you are in an MLM Business then you more than likely have a replicated company website. Virtually all network marketing companies give their distributors some type of website in order to help pique interest and enroll new representatives into the business.
Now what originally inspired this post was when I was at my company convention in June of this year, one of the co-founders mentioned that they were going to be changing the domains (aka website links) for our replicated websites. So no longer would it be rhandell.mycompanyname.com now it would be rhandell.brandnewname.com – That’s just an example folks!
Anyways, when he made this announcement I could hear people all throughout the arena saying, “I’M GONNA HAVE TO BUY NEW BUSINESS CARDS!”
Now since I’ve been online for some time now I actually thought that this was pretty funny. I was thinking to myself, “I know I won’t need any new cards!” The reason for this is because I own my own domain name. So whenever I buy business cards I use my own domain name because you never know what might happen on the other end.
Besides, when you have a long ugly domain name on your business cards #1 it makes you look unprofessional and #2 most people will never be able to remember what it said. For example, my domain name is www.WeGetPaidOnBills.com versus http://rhandellmitchell.acnrep.com You see what I mean?
Now most people who are not savvy on the internet would go for the latter of the two and wind up with an ugly business card with a domain name that nobody can remember in the event that they lose your business card. You see how my first domain is much more memorable and it looks much better on a business card.
So, how do you get your own domain name and set it up. I personally recommend using GoDaddy. They may not always have the cheapest domains but their customer service is second to none, which makes up for the extra dollar or two that you’re going to pay for the website name.
Typically a domain on GoDaddy will range you anywhere from about 8 to 11 bucks for a .com extension (which is what you should be using.) There are tons of other extensions like .org .net .co .us and so forth, but as I mentioned earlier you want to keep it as simple as possible. So just stick with a .com name.
How to Register a Domain and Forward To Your Company Site
I hope this helps. I know how mad it can make you when you have to spend money on something that you shouldn’t have to. So if this has ever happened to you before and you don’t own your own website. Now you know what to do so that it will never happen again.
Until next time….

Rhandell Mitchell