It’s no secret that Beyonce Knowles is one of the most famous entertainers in the world.
Today I want to break down Beyonce’s 10 Rules for Success in my own words. At the bottom of this article you will also find the video where I found this info.
So let’s go ahead and break down Beyonce’s 10 Rules for Success
1. Work Hard
I think this one is fairly self-explanatory, as well as common sense – so why do so few of us ever put forth the type of work that is necessary to accomplish our goals?
Could it be that perhaps we don’t understand the extreme obsession and burning desire required in order to accomplish anything that is great? Or is it that some of us just don’t really want the things we think we want as bad as we believe we do?
Whatever the case, if you want to accomplish anything significant, you’re going to have to work your ass off. A lot of people like to use the term “Work smarter, not harder” – which is okay, but seriously? If you’re not working smart, you can work 100 hours a week and still not get anywhere.
It’s not what you do, but how you do it. And most importantly, work smarter AND harder.
2. Be Competitive With Yourself
When is the last time you were really in competition with yourself?
What I took from this statement is that we have to be willing to push ourselves to new levels. For example, if you go to the gym, do you use the same old stale routine for weeks on end?
Or do you like to spice things up, push yourself to go longer on the treadmill each time, add more weight to your bench each day, or maybe stop walking on the treadmill and run a little?
All of this is the type of stuff that helps to not only increase your self-esteem – but also builds character.
3. Always Be Creative
For some people this can be a bit challenging at times.
I know me personally, sometimes I have a creative streak here and there – but in general I do not find myself to be an extremely creative person. However, what I do believe is the remedy for a lack of creativity is to be an innovator.
Who says that you can’t find the holes in someone else’s ideas and make them better?
I personally believe that this is one of my greatest strengths, is my ability to find ways to improve upon an existing idea – which in the grand scheme of things IS being creative.
You just have to find out what works for you!
4. Keep Progressing
When I first got into reading personal development books, one of the first books I ever read was a book by Tony Robbins called Unlimited Power.
One of the things that always stuck with me from the book is when Tony discussed a principle that the Japanese follow called KAIZEN – Constant and Never Ending Improvement is what it means.
Think of a doctor or an attorney for example, you don’t think that they just go to school pass a few exams and then never have to educate themselves on medicine or the law ever again do you?
Of course you don’t.
It’s no different in any other field – at least if you want to be considered a professional.
You have to keep progressing. You have to stay focused on constant and never-ending improvement!
5. Don’t Give Up On Your Goals
The funny thing about goals is that they rarely ever come when we want them to.
In order for the average person to attain their goals, it’s going to require hours upon hours of working on your skills. One of my mentors said recently, don’t focus so much on the goals as you do on improving your skill set.
Improve your skill set and the goal will show up by default.
That’s another reason why it’s always good to set your goals much much higher than what feels comfortable. So even if you don’t hit it, if you accomplish even 10% of your goal you’ll be so much further ahead of those who have goals but didn’t try, or even worse – those with no goals at all!
6. We Are All Stars
This is something that I’ve always firmly believed is that we all have our own unique talents.
The sad thing is that so many of us move through life without ever truly stopping to cultivate those talents and refine them into something that is worthy of earning a living.
I myself enjoy writing, and even though I tend to neglect my blog for months on end, I know that this is one of the handful of skills that I was blessed to have come fairly naturally for me.
So what are your individual talents?
And are you putting them to use??
7. Trust Yourself
My philosophy on trusting yourself is not being afraid to make mistakes. Trust in your abilities and in your conviction that you can make things happen, and you will.
You have to be willing to trust in your tenaciousness and your sticktoittiveness (yes I just made my own word). Trust that if you believe and if you work hard that it will come to fruition.
Trusting yourself if also about ignoring and avoiding the naysayers.
People will always be willing to tell you what you can’t accomplish when they aren’t willing (or are afraid) to attempt what you’re doing. It’s just natural for people to want to see you where they are.
8. Get Up When You Are Down
On this one Beyonce mentioned that when you are feeling down you have to find a way to pull yourself together.
Going back to my buddy Tony Robbins again, I can remember him saying in a video or something I watched that “Motion Creates Emotion”.
What’s he mean by that?
He’s saying that if you’re down, feeling blue, or whatever the case… that you need to get up off of your ass and move around!
9. Keep Your Life Balanced
This one can also be tough. When you’re caught up with the obsession of becoming somebody, at times we tend to neglect the things that are most important.
Things like our spiritual lives, our family lives, and our health.
It’s crazy how some people can immerse themselves in their work, working for days on end, doing anything it takes to make another buck – but won’t go to the gym and work out for 30 minutes if it killed them.
So all in all I think that keeping our lives balanced is all about how we manage our priorities, and more importantly identifying what our priorities are.
10. Reach For The Stars
Again, if greatness is something that you strive for you have to set humongous goals.
Even at times what seems to be unrealistic goals.
There’s nothing worse than seeing someone doing something that you said couldn’t be done! I read that quote today in a book I’m reading by John Maxwell called How Successful People Think – I can’t remember who said it though…lol.
Seriously though, somebody has to be willing to step forth and do what most won’t – why not you?
Just imagine if Christopher Columbus (and those who came before him we never hear about) would have been afraid to explore and find the “New World” if they would have stuck to the status quo and believed with the majority in thinking that the world was flat.
They set out with a specific goal in mind, that very well could have meant them falling off the edge of the world – but they did it anyway. And in so doing, found an entire new world – and were rewarded with the accolades that come with pushing farther than the average person is willing to go.
That’s all for today… hopefully you got something out of this article. If not, hopefully you at least found it to be a bit thought provoking at least.
Before You Leave…
If you’ve read this far, I can only assume that you are at least somewhat interested in bettering yourself and take your life to new heights.
So below I am leaving you a list of recommended reading to help you on your path.
Thanks for taking a few minutes to read Beyonce’s 10 Rules For Success
Recommended Reading:
Unlimited Power
Awaken The Giant Within
How Successful People Think
Go For No
Who Moved My Cheese