Hey Folks,
I know it’s been a while since I wrote my last post but boy do I have a message for you. Point blank, I want to warn you of who you talk to and listen to about business. There are a few different things on my mind so lets get started before I forget one of the good ideas I’m having.
#1. Never listen to somebody who tells you about something that they themselves have never even done.
Now in regards to what I just said I have an example. Earlier today I received a call from a gentleman we’ll call Stan. Now Stan originally opted in to one of my websites for more information. I called him up and he immediately tried to sell me on his expertise in life, business, and pretty much just being completely superior to every other human being on the face of the Earth.
After several minutes of him telling me that nobody in my company makes money, the top leaders get exclusive deals and an entirely different pay plan, and that he knows all of the top income earners exclusively and that they all were paid to transfer their downlines. I never heard him once say that he himself had ever made any money in Network Marketing. He also said that internet marketing was a more secure and long-term strategy to build wealth than MLM. I told him I had to go and got off the phone.
It’s important that you don’t let people who don’t know what they are talking about persuade you to their way of thinking. It’s been done many times before to people who had rockstar potential in this industry but never got to show it because of talking to toxic people.
#2. Believing everything you read on Google – In today’s microwave society everybody seems to want everything right now. The days of delayed gratification are a thing of the past. Nowadays, if you want something you put it in the microwave. If you want a hamburger you drive down to Wendy’s or McDonalds. And if you want the answer to something you don’t know you go to Google.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have learned an incredible amount of knowledge from searching Google for different topics. However, one topic I know to be true is that you DO NOT want to search on Google in order to evaluate a business.
There are what many people know as “reverse marketers” out there who love to write garbage about a company in an effort to sway you to their opportunity instead. Don’t believe me? Just type in “George Bush is the devil” or “Elvis Presley is alive”.
Now I’d like to us to assume that you and I both know that George Bush is probably not the devil and also that Elvis is probably already dead of old age even if he was alive 20 years ago. But if you leave it up to Google… you’d be extremely gullible to believe everything you read. These two examples alone show you that Google itself is similar to a bathroom wall… being that anybody can write anything they want and get it to rank on Google no matter whether it is honest and truthful or not.
Just understand that even Wikipedia has incorrect information. Google is not a dictionary or a library, Google is simple a search engine that will find anything online that is directly related to the “keywords” that you type in the search box.
#3. Don’t take legal advice from a firefighter!
This one should be pretty self explanatory. If you were wanting to become a great golfer, would you go to Tiger Woods for lessons or would you ask Wayne Gretzsky? If you wanted to become an awesome television show host, would you ask Oprah Winfrey for advice or would you ask Michael Jordan how to do it?
This really is an issue of common sense. If you want to get advice on something you need to know where and how to perform your research. You cannot trust people who have not done what you are trying to do to give you the answer to your question with your best interest at heart.
Neither can you trust Google to be the “gospel” in terms of providing you with accurate information when you are looking to find more information about a network marketing company.
Just some food for thought.
Rhandell Mitchell