Today I wanna share something with you from the heart.
For the past 21 months, I’ve been in school for multiple things. I’m almost done with my Information Technology degree now, and last month I finished the coursework required to sit for my real estate license exam.
I’m currently planning on starting a Coding Bootcamp before I graduate in July.
As a result, I’ve completely neglected my online business ventures!
When you have too much going on it’s almost like you sometimes forget what works. You forget what was getting you results in the first place.
Sometimes I have so many good ideas for things I could be doing that I end up doing NOTHING.
For several reasons…
When you have a lot of ideas you have to be organized.
A short pencil is always better than a long memory.
Secondly, when you’re overwhelmed and have a bunch of physical and mental clutter, it’s just hard to focus on what’s important.
For the past 21 months, the only thing that’s mattered to me is finishing school.
My online business struggled big time because of it.
Sometimes we have to learn how to focus on nothing but the big picture.
The big picture for me was not just school itself. The big picture is developing the ability to start something and see it through – all the way until the end!
What’s My Point in All Of This?
Today I went for a walk for the first time since August 1st.
After I got done though I had more mental clarity than I’ve had in quite a while.
SIDENOTE: I’ve been doing calisthenics all month and they do not get your endorphins going like cardio. If you want more mental clarity, add more cardio to your workout.
When I got done (and could actually breathe) I had a euphoric level of mental clarity! So I decided to work on my calendar for the next 7 days.
Then I said to myself, “What can I EXECUTE on right now?”
So I decided to dig up some leads I had on my computer and send them some text messages to see if they’re still interested in making money online?
And guess what…. 3 of them said YES within 10 minutes.
The program that I shared with them pays up to $2,000 per referral
Who knows… one of them just may join?
Final Thoughts – Why Overwhelm Sucks
There are a lot of things that can lead to overwhelm.
One of the major ways to get overwhelmed is to be inconsistent in performing your DUTIES.
When you lack consistency you begin to feel more overwhelmed each day until you finally do whatever you’ve been putting off.
I challenge you to do something today that you’ve been putting off and see if you don’t notice a considerable load that’s taken off of your shoulders.
This is just the first of many blog posts I’ll be posting where I just vent a little.
I had plans for this post to be a lot more articulate.
Unfortunately, I had a lot on my mind and too much going on in the background but still wanted to share my thoughts with you.
Now I’m a little overwhelmed because this post sort of sucked.
But guess what…
I did it anyway!