Want to Explode Your MLM Business?
Well I’m going to give you 6 vital functions that you should be doing know matter what mlm business you are in, and regardless of what your company sells.
These six vital functions are universal. I took the notes for these directly from Darren Hardy himself. So I’d say that they’re definitely worth listening to.
The 6 Vital Functions for Any MLM Opportunity
1. Use the products! – This one should actually be self-explanatory. However, you will always have people join for whatever stupid reason they will see an opportunity for themselves but hold absolutely no value for the products.
in this game if you don’t believe in the products you might as well just start looking for new company because it’s only a matter of time. The minute that your eyes land on something that’s shinier and brighter than what it is that you currently have – GAME OVER.
If you are in a company right now that has a product that you know deep down you would not spend the amount of money on every month if you weren’t on autoship and trying to get qualified you should look at alternative options. It’s imperative that you use the products because that helps you when it’s time to…
2. Share the product – Obviously if you don’t use the product(s) then it’s going to be that much harder for you to share the products with others. People have a way of sensing the conviction of others when they are approached about something. If you have not used the products yourself and reaped the rewards of the benefits that product offers, then you won’t be able to communicate effectively to win over the masses when you share the product. (Unless your product is just all out awesome!)
3. Share the opportunity – Sharing the opportunity is just good business sense. I mean network marketing is all about building distribution teams which in turn build momentum and one day can grow without you. If you aren’t talking to anyone about your business you are not going to build a distribution team and you aren’t going to earn any type of substantial residual income.
This one seems like it should not have to be discussed but there are thousands of distributors in thousands of companies who probably talk to 1 person a month and wonder why they aren’t living the life of their dreams. You have to be realistic when you run an MLM Business and know that it is merely a numbers game that must be played if you anticipate on hitting the 5 figure a month level.
If you are apprehensive about sharing your business with others because you don’t know what to do or you are not quite show about how to approach people then I highly recommend that you take a look at these best kept sponsoring secrets if you want to develop into a sponsoring machine in your company.
4. Help others get started – After you’ve gone through steps 1 – 3 and done them effectively, eventually people will start joining your team. It is your responsibility as a sponsor to help others get started right. You also want to help them get started fast! The sooner you help a new business partner get a check, the higher your chances of keeping that person in the business.
I don’t think that very many would argue with me when I say that Your First Year in Network Marketing is probably the best book every written on Network Marketing in general, and also how to help your new partners understand the “Landmines” that are inevitable in this business. (Especially in your first year!)
5. Promote and attend events – In the MLM Business as well as in life, there is a HUGE difference between desire and motivation. Most people have a desire to make money and do this or that when they join a network marketing business. Unfortunately, most people cannot stay motivated long enough to see their desires through to fruition.
Attending events can help you to see your opportunity with a “set of new eyes” which helps to rekindle the flame that was there when you started, but may have dwindled down to just a spark. Also, there’s a saying in MLM that goes like this:
“When you’ve had a bad week you need the meeting – When you’ve had a good week then the meeting needs you!”
So now that we know what attending events can do for you, then you need to promote the events to all of the leaders on your team. When your new people get to something like an international event seen in the picture from my most recent company convention.
It’s only natural that they will become excited. And just as soon as they get excited is when your team will go into a momentum stage which is what every single one of us wants more than anything.
Depending on how large your company is, your international events could have anywhere from 5 to maybe even 30 thousand people in them. When you have 20+ thousand like-minded individuals all in the same place for the same cause it’s exciting!

This picture (click it to enlarge) is an example of what it was like on the inside of the convention when I was in San Jose last month for my company’s international convention.
(It was so awesome, I even got to hear Donald Trump speak live!)
After having an opportunity to see Donald Trump in real life, and hear his words of wisdom on how to excel in our MLM Business don’t you think your new partners would be excited?
I know I was extremely excited just being in that environment. It works, trust me!!
6. Personal Development – Last but not least we have personal development. If you are in an ethical mlm business then it should be more of a personal growth program with a compensation plan attached rather than just a business.
Our minds are similar to fertile soil in a garden. Whatever you put into it is what you will get out of it. If you watch lots of negativity on television, you probably have a lot of negative thoughts and may not even consciously know why they are there. In contrast, if you read and listen to lots of personal development then you probably have a more positive outlook on what’s possible in your life.
One of my favorite things to watch on personal development is this video on a previous blog post that I wrote. Also, I really like this youtube video by Les Brown called “You Gotta Be Hungry”. Outside of those two things I believe that my favorite personal development program of all time has to be Jim Rohn’s The Challenge to Succeed.
The thing with personal development is that it’s never done. You don’t just read a book and listen to a CD set and decide that now you are ready to take on the world. Personal Development is a lifelong process. The minute that we start to think that we know it all is when you will start to see a decline in your progess.
So those are the 6 vital functions to Explode Your MLM Business. I truly hope that something you’ve read here today will help to take you to the next level in your business. We were all created for greatness, let’s not hold it back from the rest of the world!
To Your Unlimited Abundance

Rhandell Mitchell