If you want people to join you in your MLM Business then there are a few things required of you as a leader in order to make that happen. We’re going to discuss these things in detail and hopefully make some sense of it for you.
The Top 5 Reasons People Won’t Join Your MLM Business
So you just started a new MLM Company and you’re looking for prospective partners to join you in your new venture. Unfortunately, it seems like the more people you contact the more people who aren’t joining. Heck, most of them won’t even look at your presentation!
So… you may be wondering, “what the hell do I have to do to get people to listen to me and watch a presentation?” Here’s what I would do:
1. Get out of your own way – Many times when a new distributor first gets started in their own MLM Business they’re so excited that they just want to go out and let the world know that they have a better way to make money. Unfortunately, to many new distributors this to them means going and out telling as many people as possible everything there is to know about the business. This is a quick way to lose potential reps. Reason being – when you tell people everything there is to know about your opportunity, they judge it based off of what you’ve told them. Furthermore, if they already know everything what is the purpose of going to a meeting clear across town. In the words of an ill informed prospect…. “I’m not interested!”
My advice would be for you to let a seasoned veteran do the presenting for you until you start to build your own story. It doesn’t even really matter who the upline leader is who comes to do the presentation for you, as long as it’s not you! Learn how to properly edify your upline leader and get out of the way. They should be so excited to hear what your upline has to say that they forgot all about you when you’ve edified them properly!
2. Lack of excitement – This goes for both traditional network marketers as well as internet network marketers. If you recruit with more of an old school belly to belly approach then this most definitely pertains to you. If you go up to a friend and you use your regular speaking voice, show absolutely no conviction, and very little sense of urgency – don’t anticipate them coming to see a presentation, let alone joining your opportunity.
Also if you’re one of those people who says, “I’m just not really that type of person”. Then you better become that person or you’re toast! Period… If you want something that you’ve never had you’re going to have to do things you’ve never done and if you feel like you don’t know what to do then just ACT AS IF. Act as if you already are an awesome recruiter, act as if you are already a top income earner in your company, act as if you are the leader that every prospect is looking for.
It’s a little bit different online. Sometimes people may judge your credibility online by how professional your website looks, what type of grammar you use while you write on your blogs or sales pages, and if they think they can trust you. If you do video for example, it is 100 times as powerful when connecting with site visitors than the written word. If you decide to do videos then this is the perfect moment for your excitement to show through. There’s just something about someone who is excited about something that makes you want to be excited to… know what I mean?
3. Not talking to enough people – This is another reason that many distributors fail to get new reps into their MLM Business because they simply are not talking to enough people. There’s a gentleman in my primary company who had 37 people show up at his very first home meeting. To top it off, he had a top income earner fly all the way to his home to do the meeting. Out of the 37 people who came not a single person joined!
The average mlmer probably would have called it quits right then and there because most people can barely handle the rejection of one person. So consider being rejected by 37 people all at the same time! So instead of him hanging his head and deciding to settle for a J-O-B for the rest of his life he pushed on! He continued talking to people and more people, and more people. Now today he is earning multiple 5 figures per month, drives Bentley’s and other exotic cars, and basically living the life that most people wish for – but will NEVER have. All because he kept on talking to people and never gave up, no matter what type of ridicule he received or how many people said no.
4. Not following up with contacts – This one is also a biggie! I’ve heard story after story of someone who’s said that someone gave them a DVD or a magazine about their business and never followed back up with them. So after the person decides they want to join they can’t even get in contact with the rep who gave them the information! Can you believe that?!?! Well it happens all the time. Just make sure YOU are not the person that does something as foolish as this.
I heard a startling statistic one time about people who purchase leads. While I know that purchasing leads does work in our business, it’s not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for anyone who is on a tight budget. To find high quality leads you’re going to spend anywhere from 2 – 5 bucks per lead! I don’t know about you, but when I got started in this business that just wasn’t in the plans for me. However, the funny thing is that I heard that like 90% of people who purchase leads never call them at all!!! UN-B-FREEKIN-LIEVABLE…
Lots of internet marketers generate tons of leads for free with their marketing online and never call their leads back either. (And these leads were free!!!) Can you believe that? I’ve actually had people who have spoken to me on the phone and said that they opted in to this person’s website or that person’s website and that I was the only person who ever called them back! So if I haven’t made this clear enough for you guys and gals…. FOLLOW UP WITH YOUR STINKIN CONTACTS!!!!
5. Lack of credibility – As much as I hate to say it this happens all of the time. A good example of this is with internet marketing superstar Cedrick Harris (sorry to put you on blast Ced… but there’s a point to be made!) Cedrick Harris was a superstar recruiter in a certain MLM Business when the company first really started building momentum. I would guess that a large chunk of the distributors in the company to this day came as a ripple effect of Cedrick Harris.
Anyhow, one day Cedrick mentioned on a webinar or a conference call (I can’t remember which) that there had been a gentleman who tried to recruit him into this particular company several times but he never actually took a look at it. The reason that he wouldn’t look at the business is because the person that tried to show it to him had no reputation of success in the company and probably life in general. (Sorry if you’re that guy…)
So Cedrick decided that he was gonna go sponsor shopping and look for someone who was already making it happen so to speak. So due to the lack of credibility on the first guy’s part, he missed out on the income of well over a thousand reps who joined Cedrick’s team in the first 90 days of him joining!!!
So my point to you is this. If you aren’t credible right now – just start working on yourself. Every little bit of success that you acquire lends toward your credibility. Just read this!
If you can apply these five things into your action plan I can say with absolute certainty that you will start to see far greater results in your MLM Business!

Rhandell Mitchell