By the time you get to the end of this blog post you might not like me anymore.

If that turns out to be the case, then that’s fine with me. Regardless, we’re going to talk about some things that I know ahead of time that a lot of folks don’t want to hear.

So what do I want to talk to you about today?

The Path of Least Resistance


Let’s Go!

Okay, if you’ve been following me for any amount of time you know that I’m heavy into making money from home/making money online, etc.

I’ve met a lot of really cool people online. People who make 5-10k per month working from home, and some who make 5, 10, 50k PER DAY.

However, for most that’s not the case – for a multitude of reasons.

One of which, is our main topic today – The Path of Least Resistance.


Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t want you to think that this article is about working a home based business or making money online.

This article is a life lesson in general. Something that if paid attention to, might just help some of you get your ass out the grass.

Why Do People Love The Path Of Least Resistance?

The short answer:

It’s easy.

People are always looking for the easy way to do something. A shortcut.

But how many people do you know that have been extraordinarily successful in life who like to half-ass about everything that they do?

Probably not that many.


In the home based business industry it’s an epidemic. Seriously.

I mean there are people that I have known for years who have been in more programs than I can count and they’ve barely made any money at all in anything they’ve ever done.

And you know why that is by now right?

Hopefully you’re following the damn theme here or I’m gonna have to hop through this screen and smack you around a little bit.

But the reason the people that I’ve seen join program after program don’t make money is because they’re always looking for something easier.

So instead of taking the time, investing in themselves and learning the skills necessary to succeed; they go and join the “next best thing” as soon as it comes along.

Ultimately, they find themselves in a vicious cycle. Because every time you start something knew you’re essentially starting over.

I read a quote once and this is what it said:

If you’re tired of starting over, then stop giving up!

Or at least something to that effect. Whatever it was, it was a pretty badass quote…lol.

A lot of times when I write articles like this one I write them on the fly. Usually based off of something that’s happened that day or something that someone might have said.

So this is not intended to be some type of lecture or me preaching to you from the podium.


I think it’s already safe to say that you know good and damn well when you’re you’re half-assing around looking for the easy way out.

Same reason why people will spend thousands on the lottery every year and never win, but they won’t do their due diligence, do some research, and find a legitimate business they can build.

Here’s Another Example:

Another excellent example of people taking the path of least resistance is when someone wants to slim down.

Nowadays, instead of getting off their fat ass and going to the gym or putting in an exercise DVD to lose some weight like a normal human being, people will put on a slimming device.

Instead of doing sit-ups, people will put on a belt with electronic stimulation that’s supposed to give you 6-pack abs while you sit on your ass watching TV.

It’s pathetic.

But that’s the way it is.

Now don’t get me wrong. We ALL have something that we do where we tend to take the path of least resistance.

Hell, right now I could have planned this post out and had a legitimate point to write about rather than going on the never-ending rant that I’m on right now.

But I knew that I wanted to write this fast and I was too lazy to put in the effort to structure this article.

However, since I think I’m a pretty shrewd writer sometimes I get away with it, sometimes I don’t.

Hopefully you’ve got the point of the message that I’ve been trying to get across.

If not, then fuck it… lol


Seriously, the way you do anything is the way you do everything.

Also, if you have children, just know they are watching you. And they are modeling everything that you do as a parent.

I’ve learned this first hand by listening to some of the speech patterns my 4 year old daughter uses. And the way her pronunciations sound on certain words.

All because she’s picking things up from me.


So, before I leave you to ponder on whether you’re a useless half-assed slacker or someone who is an actual get shit done alpha personality, I hope you got some type of insight out of what was shared.

Nothing worth having in life usually ever comes easy.

It just doesn’t.


So I’ll leave you with that thought.

And since I know that 90% of the world is the type that prefers the path of least resistance. I thought I’d share something with you today, that can make you look like you work your ass off, but you’re still not really doing much of anything.

If you like the idea of working less and making more – click here now!

Take Care,



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