Sometimes in a person’s life it takes bad things to happen to them in order for them to get the much needed motivation to move forward.

There have been many times when I wished I would die and not have to deal with anyone or anything during my short 31 years on this earth.

However, every time that I’ve felt like giving up there was always another voice saying, “don’t quit now!” I understand what it’s like to struggle. I was raised in a household where we were taught to believe that we were middle class. Except the reality of it is that we were poor.

Sure we had food to eat and a roof over our heads at night, but nonetheless, we were poor indeed. I can remember having every utility that a person can have in their home shut off at one point or another.

I can remember my mother and father arguing about why this bill didn’t get paid, or why that bill didn’t get paid on time. Thinking back on it in hindsight, it really wasn’t that important to me as long as I had my Nintendo and or Sega Genesis games to take my mind off of things. (However when you don’t have any electric in your house that can be a bit difficult.)

When I reached adulthood, there was a point in my life where I vowed to never have to live like my mother and father did. It’s sad to me, but it was things like financial instability that led my parents to get a divorce. Then I had to spend the next 15 years of my life listening to the two of them belittle each other on an extremely consistent basis… It was tough.

So my point here today is this: When is enough really enough? When will you decide that you have had it up to here…. that you are truly sick and tired of being sick and tired.

My friends, please understand that only when you have hit rock bottom can you truly look up and determine where it is that you truly desire to be. Many people continue through life and just drift…. That is they drift from thing to thing, from dream to dream… never really focused on accomplishing much of anything.

People who drift have not really hit rock bottom, it’s not until you say to yourself, “I am not happy with the way that I’m living and I refuse to live this way one day longer!”

It’s only then that you will be able to pick yourself back up… Pick up all the pieces, and start working on whatever it is that you desire… Just realize that you MUST have a burning desire to succeed!

To Be Continued…

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