You know what I can’t stand? I hate when people join a new business and they always use the cliche ‘the product sells itself’ Also, alot of people in networking like to say ‘all we do is share, not sell’. I don’t really know what bullshit looks like, but that’s what it sounds like when you are hearing  people say things like this.

I apologize if you don’t agree with my language, but this is not a G rated Disney blog… This blog is designed to help individuals get off their asses, take massive action, and become stronger at building financial stability from the comfort of their homes. If that doesn’t sound like you, you’re probably in the wrong place.

Moving right along, if we as prospectors can understand what it is that our prospects truly want to know about your business it’ll be that much easier to get them involved. So what do they really want to know you’re probably asking? WIFM – What’s In It For Me

This is the question that you need to be able to answer for every prospect, if you plan on reaching the top of your payplan. However if you plan on showing them what’s in it for them you first have to know what they want. The only way to discover what a prospect truly wants for themselves is by asking a series of probing questions.

If you can master the art of asking questions, finding problems, and providing solutions to their problems by showing them WIFM. You can and will dominate the pay plan in whatever business you choose to join in the profession of sales.

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