Obviously by now you guys have figured out that I am not Dr.Phil… Nor am I some guru who’s words “NEED” to be taken heed to. However I do believe that I have wisdom in what I have to say for those who take more than 30 seconds to look at the graphics of my blog to decide whether or not they want to read it.

Many of the things that I have to say I speak from a personal standpoint, although since we are all human beings I feel that you should be able to connect to what I have to say in your own personal way.

For anyone who takes their life seriously enough to actually sit down and do some soul searching from time to time, you’ll come to the point where you know that it’s time for you evaluate where you are, how you got there, and where you’re going.

It’s absolutely essential that you have a plan mapped out for your life because if you don’t… somebody else does. I can say this with confidence because I spent a large portion of my life living day to day, not having a plan at all. After awhile it seems like some people just exist…

No aspirations other than heading up to the local bar, playing Mafia Wars on Facebook, and being first in line to get the new Call of Duty game on Playstation 3. No goals for the future other than getting paid this Friday, and maybe putting away a few dollars here and there so your kids can have a half decent Christmas.

To all the parents out there how does it feel when your kids ask you for things and all you can say is, “We’ll see.” Isn’t that sort of depressing? Now don’t get me wrong because this post is not merely about creating wealth, but how to overcome one of life’s biggest obstacles.

In my opinion, one of life’s biggest if not thee biggest obstacle is FEAR…. I know many of you’ve heard it before that fears are F-alse E-xpectations A-ppearing R-eal… Your fears are more than likely the number one contributor to all of the setbacks that you’ve faced, as well as the things that you feel are holding you back right now!

It’s sad but true that most human beings are paralyzed by fear. I can remember when I was young I used to LOVE to play basketball. I’m being modest by saying that I was an above average player. ( I thought I could have gone pro! LOL) I used to kick much butt on the playgrounds and at the local YMCA, but when I decided to play organized ball I noticed a strange fear that came over me when playing in front of a large crowd.

When I played in front of a crowd it was almost like the game was not as fun anymore because I was now playing for the onlookers rather than just going out there and having fun like I was used to. The reason I bring this up is because that’s how many of you are treating your lives right now.

You live in total fear of what someone else might think about you, what they might say about you, or even what they might do if you did the thing that your heart is telling you to do but the fear of “WHAT IF” seems to keep you stuck. The most talented people in the world are the ones in the graveyard. Millions of souls that were full of talents and ideas that could have made the world a better place but they were afraid to apply themselves because they lived in fear of what other people would think.

The only thing in life that cures fear is action… Let me repeat that:


Action most definitely does and will cure your fears. Just think of something that you used to be afraid to do. After you did it once it wasn’t so bad. After you’ve done it 10 times it actually starts to feel easy. Once you’ve done it 100 times you start to actually master the thing that you once feared.

Fear in most cases can be overcome with deliberate and consistent action. A quote I found by Dale Carnegie reads, “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

So what I hope will happen for you is that you will at least consider what I wrote about here today. Think hard about where you are, how you got there, and where you want to go. Then always remember that most of your fears are NOT REAL! So like Dale Carnegie said friends… if you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!

I believe that what I’ve written in this post will be a valuable boost for someone who knows what you want but your fears have been setting you back. I hope that person is you!

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