I hope that most of you have seen The Matrix… If not you may not get the total concept of this blog post. I recently discovered an eerie concept while I was actually coming up with the idea for the content of this post. You know that in the movie the character Morpheus is explaining to Neo what the Matrix is.

He tells Neo that the matrix is all around them. He finishes by saying that it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind us from the truth.

Now I know that this is not going to resonate the same way with everybody, but this was extremely deep to me when I first really listened to what he was saying. You see in my opinion, the matrix that we are all living in today is the matrix of instability.

People all across America are living in the matrix as we speak. You see this is the most advanced country in the entire world and yet only 3% of our society are considered as financially free. Why is that? Why is it that only 3 out of every 100 people in this country are considered wealthy?

Could it be that we are living in the matrix? Does the matrix really exist? Is the matrix not just some computerized world as in the movies, but an actual plot to keep us from facing our fears and stuck in a state of lifetime mediocrity?

After Morpheus told Neo that the matrix was meant to blind us from the truth, Neo asked him, what truth? This is when it really got interesting! Morpheus goes on to tell Neo that the truth is that YOU are a SLAVE! And that like everyone else you were born into bondage. (Does that sound familiar?)

Now obviously we aren’t referring to shackles and chains like in the past, but a more modern day slave. No longer is ethnicity and gender a concern. This new modern day slave is born into a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. It’s a prison that is meant strictly for your mind.

Now when really evaluating this further you’ll understand what I’m saying. The human mind is capable of creating nearly anything in which it focuses on. Just look at all of the advancements that were made over the last 100 years. Televisions, Cell Phones, Airplanes, Computers, CD’s, DVD’s, The Internet… etc!

I could go on and on about the different advancements throughout the last century but the point is this; if it were not for someone elses ideas none of those things would have ever come to pass. This is the same way it is for the human being who refuses to be denied.

The sad truth about this fact is that most of us fail to dream… Very few people have any goals at all, and even fewer have their goals down in writing. Click here to see what happened in this study on goal setting at Yale University.

(To Be Continued)…

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